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Jacob POV

So I was on tour with mike and Ej this is a lot of fun the fans just make my day better every time I see them and I saw Michael in the attendance ahh look at my baby he's so cute

Michael POV

Jacob is touring and he looks adorable on stage I know he missed this cause he's always talking about tour

Jacob started grinding and everyone went crazy that's when the fans got wild and had a good time..then Jacob lift his shirt so they can see how his hips move and after that tour was over

They said goodnight to the fans and then walked on the tourbus on their way back home ...they were in Oakland but now heading back to California

Jacob went to the back and fell asleep he was knocked out after tonight

Los Angeles

Jacob POV

We made it back to Los Angeles thank god cause I am tired but I felt like I was being followed then something flew by me what the hell

Michael quickly went to his location and saw Jacob

Jacob: Don't scare me like that

Michael: Babe watch out

He turned around and decked Michael grabbed his hand took off

Jacob: oh shit hold on

Michael: Babe come on

Jacob: Damn I'm out of breathe

Michael picked him up and place him on his back and then he took off

Jacob: where are we

Michael: just stay here

Jacob: Michael don't leave me here alone

He was already out the door and locked it Jacob was banging on the door and Michael slide something under the door

I'm keeping you safe just stay here and be quiet or they'll kill you just trust me I'll be back I promise

Love Michael

He sighed and just looked around and was scared out of his life he sat down and cried then he heard a he quickly hid

Someone walked in and Jacob forgot about his phone so he took it out put it on silent and turn the brightness down

Michael: by the way I'm the closet there's another room type in this code and it will let you in 223410 hurry before they get you

He moved the clothes Quietly and typed in the cod it opened once he walked in the door quietly closed and disappeared...they looked in the closet and didn't see him that's when Michael gang came up and it was a fight

Jacob POV

Woah this is like a whole house but it was beautiful I sat down on the coach and leaned my head back why is everyone suddenly coming after me ...I looked at the time it was 10:30 at night so I stared at the ceiling until my eyes slowly began to close I need sleep that's when I felt someone lifting me but I was to tired to wake up and see who it was anyway goodnight love you guys

He eyes slowly closed and he was asleep ...that's when Michael walked in and saw Jacob asleep

Michael POV

Once it was over I typed the code in and walked in to see Jacob asleep on the 🛋 so I went up to pick him up and we went home

Michael placed him in the car and drove home

Once they made it home he took him upstairs and put him in the bed to rest ....Michael knew that is was about to war soon over Jacob the bad side wants Jacob to with them but Michael not letting it happen

Michael POV

They want Jacob to join their side and I'm not letting that happen he's mine and only mine that's why they coming after him....Rebecca already joined their time and I'm not letting them take Jacob

Michael told them plan and it they were done for it and knew it was going to work

An hour later

Jacob POV

I woke up and looked around that's when I seen Michael

Michael: Are you feeling ok

Jacob: yes I'm feeling fine

Michael: ok good

Jacob: what happened

Michael thought it was time to tell him so he did and Jacob was shocked to know

Jacob: that's why they keep coming for me

Michael: Yes

Jacob: ok

Michael: but don't worry about it we have everything planned and figured out

Jacob: ok can we go home now

Michael: yes come on

They walked out and went home Jacob knew that he wasn't safe cause everybody keep coming after him

Jacob POV

I'm not safe everyone keeps coming after me I didn't do nothing to nobody why everything got to happen to me I didn't ask for this or anybody to come after me I don't know what I did to deserve this maybe I should end everything and maybe it will cheer me up inside

Michael POV

Babe is thinking like that again he knows how I get when he talks about killing himself it's not worth it I'm going to protect him no matter what vampires are stronger more than humans

Michael: we are home

Jacob: Alright

They got out the car and walked in the house it felt so good once they walked in

Jacob: well I'm going to 🚿

Michael: Alright go ahead

Jacob went to go shower and Michael got dinner ready

Jacob was in his thoughts for a good minute or two then he began washing his hair

Once he finished washing up he got out the thoughts and put on his boxers

Michael: Jacob dinners ready

Jacob: ok here I come

Michael: Alright

He came downstairs and ate his food then went back upstairs to go to sleep

Jacob got in bed put the covers over him and had falling asleep soon his head hit the pillow

Michael just turned the porch light and went upstairs he showered and laid down as well

Michael: Goodnight my love I love you

He kissed his forehead turn the light off and went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

Michael Jackson Vampire love story Where stories live. Discover now