Bullying goes wrong

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Jaco POV

Me and Adeya have been doing good lately well Adeya has but me I'm not people are starting to bully me and I don't know what I did to make them hate me I just want to give up on everything ...Adeya stuck up for me and they got mad cause she wanted to remain my friend I didn't cry or anything I'm just really fed up at this point

Adeya POV

They had me fucked up if they think I'm gone turn my back on Jacob he's the only friend who was there for me and they left me hell no Jacob didn't cry or anything he just done with everything and everyone

Adeya: Are you ok

Jacob: yea

Adeya: don't worry I'm not gone leave you

Jacob: I know

They posted a video of him getting raped and thought it was funny ...Jacob ran home

Adeya saw it and knew that it wasn't funny she went after him

Michael POV

I was at home reading a book until Jacob came running here slamming the door and Adeya going after him

Michael: what happened

Adeya showed him and he though it was t funny either

Adeya: Jacob open the door

They didn't know that Jacob was in another room so he had to What he had to do

He swallowed a handful of pills with some water and then he laid down on the floor crying

Michael hurried and burst through the door to see Jacob Unconscious

Michael: Call 911 hurry(he tried to wake Jacob up)

The bullied kept posting it and laughing at him cause he was getting raped until somebody came up to them and said if that happened to them it wouldn't be funny

They then stopped laughing to the point where people didn't see it funny no more

Random girl: TURN UP THE TV

He manger turned up the tv and they saw Jacob getting into the ambulance...everyone turned their attention to the bullies and they knew this time it wasn't funny

People started going off on them and telling that it wasn't funny or say if he lose his life it's on them

Adeya POV

My best friend is in the hospital yo everyone showed up and couldn't believe he doing this again ...Bullies are just a bunch of bullshit he didn't do nothing to them please wake up Jacob

Michael POV

I'm in tears right now why would they do that seeing someone get rape it's not funny at all...I hope he's ok that's when Adeya gave me a hug I just hope that he's ok

But what everyone don't know is that the person that raped Jacob got him pregnant and he was only eight months he was good at hiding his pregnancy that no one knew

Nurse came out of the room and that's when Michael and Adeya went up to him

Nurse: he's fine been like that for two hours now

Adeya: what's going to happen now

Nurse: well he's in a coma for the next few hours so he should be awake by tomorrow

They were so happy to hear that

Nurse: but I have a serious question what caused him to do this

Adeya told her the reason on why he did it and the nurse told them something unexpected

Nurse: yes whoever the person was that raped got him in pregnant so we had to take the baby

Michael: So the baby is...Dead

Nurse: No the baby is nice and healthy but you guys can go and see him if you like

They thanked his doctor and walked in to see Jacob in his coma

Adeya: There's the baby

Michael went up to the baby and it was a girl so he picked her up

Michael: shes beautiful

Adeya: I know I can't believe that he was pregnant this whole time and didn't say anything

Michael: I know ...what about the bullies

Adeya: it's backfiring at them

Michael: well they deserve it

Adeya: What did he name her

Michael: I have no idea

The nurse came back in and they asked what was her name

Nurse: Her name is Harper Elizabeth Jackson...He didn't want the baby to his last name

Michael: Thank you

She won't be able leave until Next month and they pray that Jacob wakes up tonight

Adeya: well I'm going home see you guys soon and tell Jacob I said congratulations

Michael: I will

She was out the door on her way home and Michael just stared at her ...She had his skin tone

The bullies didn't even know that Jacob was pregnant and now they definitely feel bad starting to regret ...Everyone was throwing trash out them

Adeya came home and the guy who got him pregnant wanted to talk to her she called the police and told him he's never going to see his daughter

Even the bullies that sent him to the hospital and posted the rape video went to jail and got charged for it ...People were demanded to get the video taking down as soon as possible so in the next 24hrs the video will no longer be on YouTube and they were banned from YouTube

An hour later

Michael POV

Jacob hasn't waking up yet but they told me he should be awake by tonight ...that's when Harper started to cry

Harper started to cry and Michael picked her up and gave her a bottle ...Michael was upset that his rapist got him pregnant...but glade that Harper was ok

Jacob POV

I am in my coma and they said I should be awake by tonight and honestly they got it wrong I was nine months pregnant and wasn't suppose to be due until next week but she came early so she was Born July 25th 2019 at 2:35 pm weigh 6pounds 8ounces 18inches king her full name is Harper Elizabeth Jackson ...She doesn't deserve his last name and plus  he's my rapist ...I hope I can get justice with all of this ...that was not funny specially when someone getting raped

Continuing on next chapter

Next chapter is coming

Michael Jackson Vampire love story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora