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title: heartbeat
genre: angst, trigger warning ⚠️

"hey there" yoongi holds jimin's hands as he sat at the chair next to the hospital bed "I don't know how much i can still wait, i just miss you and seeing you like this pains me so much baby please wake up now" tears flow down his cheeks hoping for a miracle to happen

"this is my last shot, i love you so much no matter what world we are in" he says and kisses jimin's forehead

yoongi leaves the room and went for a rest at the cafe and silently reads the old newspaper 'young journalist park jimin gets shot while try to broadcast a hostage taking' he slowly drops it and continued crying

"god wake him up please im loosing hope"

"it's time" jimin's mother holds yoongi's hand tightly "can i talk to him for the last time?" he asks with bloodshot eyes "yes sweetheart go now"

"so you decided to not wake up and leave me here huh, that's selfish of you baby you told me we'd get married and adopt twins but we can't do that if you'd give up on me, and you did but don't worry baby I'll meet you in the next life I will find you no matter what. be an angel for now i love you so much"

and they finally let jimin go but yoongi committed suicide the night after

[17 years later]

"dude watch where you are going" yoongi grunts as he stands up with coffee stains on his shirt "im so sorry I'll help you clean up im really sorry" yoongi looks up and saw an angelic face but his heart ache so much like he was trying to remember something causing him to cry and the boy unconsciously hugged him for comfort

"jimin" he says

"yoongi" the other says with a giggle

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