Harry looked at him not sure if he wanted to hear after what?

"After what?" Niall asked quietly.

Liam gulped, he didn't want to tell this story but knew Zayn would probably never relive it again and tell Harry, "Zayn was almost raped at Louis's sixteen birthday party. Louis never forgiven himself for that. Zayn hadn't  wanted to go to the party, Louis insisted, just like you always do Harry. Zayn was fourteen when he was declared clinically depressed, he nearly died. Louis is always protective of him cause he has never forgiven himself for what happened."

Both Niall and Harry hugged him when he started crying, they've never seen him cry in the five years they've known him.

"Oh, Liam, I didn't know.."Harry said hugging him tightly, his heart breaking Zayn never told him that.

"Of course you didn't know. Zayn would never have told you that. I'm telling you so you understand where Louis's reservations come from, unfair as they are to you." Liam sniffled, "Zayn didn't have friends before meeting Louis and I. I'm ashamed to say he used to do whatever we wanted to keep us as friends, and we let him."

"I love Zayn, I would never force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. You said we met him at his best, so you need to believe in him. That he can take care of himself. That he won't allow to be used again." Harry said firmly.

"I believe in him. But it doesn't mean just like Louis I'll stop being protective of him, even from you, Harry."

"If you believe in him then you need to trust him in his choices and stop acting like his parents Louis needs to stop with the bullshitting on my name." Harry said.

"Louis's intentions are good_"

"They don't come across like that from where I'm standing, Liam." Harry said.

"You know what.." Niall said standing up to put baby Yazz in her Walker then sat on his knees holding both Liam's hands. "I would put my two cents in it and say, you are acting worse than his parents, well, Louis does anyway. Zayn is stronger than you think. Loosen the strings a bit. He doesn't seek your approval, but Louis expects him to. So what if he buys a ridiculously expensive house_"

"Hey." Harry said offended.

"No offence mate," Niall said to Harry, "Like I was saying what if he buys a bloody ridiculous mansion. Fuck it, it's their money. Well, it's Zayn's money cause apparently Yaser had Harry sign a prenup."

"Okay...back up a bit and put the brakes on." Liam said looking at Harry, "Harry signed a prenup? I know the Malik are loaded but_Yaser had you sign a prenup?"

Harry stood up because he recently just found out how rich his boyfriend is when Yaser called him for a chat. "I need a drink. Beer or water ladies, that's the choice you get.."

"Beer please.." Niall answered, sitting next to Liam,

"Wait, Harry. Tell me about the prenup.." Liam said looking up at him. "What does that mean? Zayn is rich?"

"Why you asking me? I thought you know Zayn more than me." Harry bit back, "Water it is then." he walked away to get the drinks and came back with apple juice for Yazz as well. She grabbed it slapping his arm, she spends too much time with Louis, Harry thought.

He'd brought beer for both Liam and Niall. He just had to tease them. "Enjoy my ridiculously expensive beer. I believe it has been imported but I might have to check with my distillery" He said in mocking a posh voice. b

"You are such an idiot.." Liam shook his head.

"That he is." Niall laughed finding Harry taking mickey of himself funny.

Love hurts- Zarry {Mpreg}Where stories live. Discover now