Chapter 12

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        It was a tight fit, the top of the box was only a few cenimeters (in human measurements) above the top of my head and there wasn't enough room for me to put both arms straight out to the side.

         The darkness was unbearable, it was almost pitch black but for the tiny strips of light coming in from the space where the box rested on the ground. For a few horrible moments I just stood there breathing heavily as I took in the harsh realty of the situation. Suddenly I let out a loud (and slightly insane) yell of rage. I had known the whole conversation had all been some sort of trick or something, I knew that it was only a matter of time before he pulled something like this. When I wouldn't agree to wait for him he had decided to just force me to stay. Obviously his apology earlier had been pretty empty because once again he'd put me in a tight, dark space that I couldn't escape. 

        The worst part about it was that I had been so stupid. I shouldn't have refused to wait for him and I definitely shouldn't have just stood there frozen in fear while he brought out my new prison. I had to grow a back bone, I couldn't just freeze up and stand there afraid. I had always considered myself to be a pretty courageous person, I'd always wanted to go out in search of adventure and do risky things. But now I had become a spineless idiot in the face of this human. It was pitiful.

        "I have to get out of here." I found myself saying desperately. 

        Angrily, I threw my fist against one of the cardboard walls. Cardbaord wasn't a particularly strong material, I knew that but being the size I was, putting a hole in it was pretty impossible. Trying to punch my way out would be pretty futile. 

        In frustration, I aimed a forceful kick into the wall of cardboard and was surprised to find it move slightly. A flicker of hope ignited within me. If I couldn't break my way out, maybe I could lift it off of me somehow. If I could kick it and get it to move, maybe I had enough strength to lift it. 

        "What do I have to lose?" I murmured to myself bitterly.

        There wasn't enough space between the ground and the bottom of the box to fit my fingers and lift it up that way, but by putting my hands on the roof of the box and then extending my arms I could possibly lift the box up off the ground.

        I bent my knees and placed my hands on the top of the box above my head, the rough texture of the cardboard chaffing my sweaty palms. I took in a deep breath then began extending my arms and straightening my legs. Light began to stream in around my feet as the box lifted up and the space between the ground grew larger. It was working, and the box wasn't even that heavy. I had spent years climbing enormous trees, lifting a stupid cardbaord box shouldn't be difficult.

        Once my arms and legs were all the way straightened, I jerked the lifted box to the side so that it fell back to the ground and onto its side.

        I couldn't help the triumphant laughter that burst out of me as I watched the box fall to the ground next to me. It wasn't the most impressive victory, but it was something and God knew I needed the confidence boost. 

        My celebration was a short one, I needed to get back to business. I still needed to find a way to get out of this tent and back to my family. They were probably freaking out, I could only hope they wouldn't do anything drastic. I was glad that they hadn't followed me out or intervened in anyway. I had risked myself for their safety, putting themselves in danger would completely undermine what I had done.

       I began to survey my surroundings, searching for a way to escape. The tent seemed to be in perfect condition, so finding a hole would be unlikely. But the tent wasn't completely flat to the ground and with no giant watching me now, I could easily escape. 

        Though crossing through the middle of the clearing would be the quickest way to my hut, I couldn't risk being spotted by one of the humans, even if I was small and close to the ground. I'd go out the back and make my way around the clearing through the treeline.

        Before I slipped out of the tent, I flipped the box back down so that it would apear as though I was still trapped under the box. The longer the giant was distracted, the better. 

        I kept my hands clamped over my ears as I made my way back to my hut. Not only was I sick of their loud voices hurting my ears, I also didn't want to listen to their conversation for some reason. Their voices just put me on edge.

        Finally after many long minutes, I found myself back at the bush that my hut hid within. Earlier it had felt like I'd never see the familiar bark walls again, seeing them again felt incredible. 

        I hurriedly pushed the leaf curtain out of the way and rushed into the hut. At first it looked empty and abandoned, things were missing as if they'd been packed up and the homey feeling that usual hung in the air of the hut was gone. Had they left without me? I wanted them safe but I couldn't believe that they had just gone on without me. I felt stinging tears rise up in my eyes and a cold lonely feeling stole over me. But then suddenly I saw movement and then came a voice.

        "Kalla?" The wonderfully familiar voice of my father asked as he stepped out of the shadows.

        Relief flooded my dad's features as he swiftly pulled me into a quick hug then stepped back to look at me, probably looking for injuries. 

        "What happened, are you alright?" Dad asked worriedly.

        "I'm fine dad, it's a long story, too long to tell right now. Where's mom, Ash, and Cassia?" I asked, it was now my turn to be worried.

        "They're ok. It was risky, but they left the hut and went to the blakberry bush ten minutes away from here. It's too dangerous to stay here." Dad explained breathlessly.

        I let out a breath of relief, my family was all safe.

        "Then why are you here?" I asked with a raised brow.

        "I was waiting for you, I hoped you would find a way to escape but it had been so long, I had been about to go out and get you."

        I was glad I had gotten back when I did, dad coming out to save me would have just made everything ten times worse. 

        "We don't know about the rest of the clan, we can only hope they've escaped to your grandparent's clan, that's where we're going after we meet up with Cassia, Ash, and your mom." Dad told me, the stress coming through into his voice.

        "I know earlier we were staying put in here until they left, but after what happened with you...we'll just have to risk it." 

        Dad was right, we had to get out. It would only be a matter of time before the giant realized  I was missing and when he did, he'd come after me.

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