Chapter 32

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I was only granted a few moments of quiet before Connor's voice broke the silence. I let out an exasperated sigh as he began to speak.

"Kalla, I--I'm so sorry." He murmured quietly, his tone softer than I had ever heard it.

He sounded so sincerely repentant, and laying in the dark, unable to see each other, I could nearly forget he was this towering terror of creature, he sounded like a lost boy. 

"You're the one that said I should get rest, I can't rest if you don't stop talking." I grumbled back, avoiding addressing his apology.

"I know, I just want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you." Connor whispered. "I know that tomorrow when you leave, we probably won't ever see each other again and I just wanted you to know that."

I took in a long breath. "Okay." I responded quietly. I still wasn't ready to forgive him, but if I told myself that I didn't appreciate his gentle apology at all, then I'd be lying. 

After that, Connor kept silent. Eventually I fell into sleep. Thankfully this sleep was a deep one, undisturbed by dark dreams. When I woke up the next morning, Connor was still asleep in his sleeping bag. His hair, mussed up from sleep, fell across his forehead, brushing just above his eyes. He looked so peaceful and strangely innocent asleep like that. A small curiosity sparked within me. Unsure of what exactly I was doing, I found myself slowly approaching his vast face. 

I stood a mere inch away from Connor's face, his steady breathing resulted in soft sighs to slip out from his slightly parted lips and gently ruffle my hair. Cautiously I stretched my hand out towards the tip of his nose and laid my palm against the warm skin. The four inch girl touching the sleeping beast. 

I remained there, lost in the moment for several seconds before I snapped back to reality. I pulled my traitorous hand back quickly and stepped backwards, shaking my head vigorously to rid myself of the mixed up feelings. I needed to go, better to leave before Connor woke up, in case he decided to change his mind about letting me go. I gave the giant sleeping boy one last look before turning around and slipping out of the tent. 

Inconveniently, Connor's dad was up and about already. He stood in front of a handmade fire pit, trying to ignite a flame across the stack of logs. He let out a grumbled curse as he struggled to operate the small metal device he held in his hands. I didn't know why he was using some silly contraption to start a fire when using two sticks was much easier. I had learned how to start a fire when I was five, it was skill that was necessary for a hidden. I pulled myself out of reminiscent thoughts and forced myself to focus on the task ahead: getting to my family.

I slipped into the tall grass and began making my way around the clearing to the other side where I would begin my journey to grandmother and grandfather's clan. I was about halfway across the clearing when I noticed the vibrations of Connor's father's footsteps nearing. I let out a stifled yelp as I jumped behind a dandelion stem. I looked up to see a giant shoe raised up above me, I watched as if in slow motion as if came down. A cry escaped my lips as I dove desperately out of the way of the massive boot, landing painfully on my back a few inches away. I watched as the foot easily crushed the dandelion I had just been clinging to beneath it. I stared in horror as I realized that I had been mere moments away from meeting a similar fate. 

"What the--" I heard above me. I felt my blood run cold as my gaze slowly lifted to see a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me. I'd gotten myself spotted again. 

Pain throbbed through my injured arm as I hastily pushed myself up to my feet. I ignored the feeling as I turned and began to desperately try to just get away. But it was fruitless, I made it all of five inches before two giant hands descended from the sky and caught me in a cupped grasp. I struggled frantically, my fists pounding against my fleshy prison.

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