Chapter 16

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I couldn't help but let out a chuckle as I hurried through the woods, leaving the human boy behind.  "I guess humans really are as stupid as they are big." I panted smugly as I hopped over a thick twig.

I was about to jump over yet another twig when suddenly I began to feel the earth quaking once again and with a rush of air a huge shape passed over me. I skidded to a stop as a black sneaker slammed into the ground in front of me. I let out a shriek and fell backwards. I looked up to see the human boy laughing.

"I knew you'd do that." He said, a playful grin on his face.

I felt like my heart was beating a mile a minute as I stared up at the smiling human.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you again." He said still chuckling a little. "But I just couldn't resist." He said with a teasing smirk.

"What was that for?" I demanded shakily, I hoped I could trick the human into believing I had intended on returning. 

"You said you would come back but considering your track record I figured you'd bail so I followed you. And I was right, you were running." He said a bit crossly.

So the jig was up. Damn.

"I-" I started but was interrupted.

"You said you weren't scared of me." The human stated, worry ebbing into his voice.

"I'm not." I said quickly, I was sticking to my lie. "I just--I don't want to talk to humans." I said sharply as I got back up to my feet and brushed off my skirt.

The human looked down at me with a quizzical expression "Why?" He asked.

"I just don't, alright?" I said huffily.

"That's not an answer." The human pointed out stubbornly. 

I glared up at the human with as much ferocity as I could muster. "Because you invaded my home and my privacy." I hissed.

The human raised an eyebrow. "The clearing is your home?" He asked.

"Yes." I said, wanting to add the word 'idiot' to the end of the sentence.

The human stood there thinking for a minute, eyes gazing off into the distance in thought. Then he looked back down at me and said"Alright, I'll make a deal with you." 

I don't think I like where this is going.

"I'll convince my dad to move the camping spot if you stay around for just two days." The human told me. "Then I'll leave you alone and we'll never come back here ever again, I promise."

My instinct told me to turn the offer down and make a break for it, I needed to get away from the humans and back to my family. After all, I couldn't trust this human to make good on his promise. But another part of me felt an urge to accept the deal. He really did sound genuine and if I could get the humans out of the clearing then the clan could move back, which would be good for everyone, but especially the kids who were probably traumatized at this point. And if he promised never to come back, the clan wouldn't have to constantly be on their toes, worrying about their return. I'd be risking my safety and going against the golden rule of the hidden, but if I could get my family and clan back home, then it was worth it right? 

"Alright, fine." I sighed.

I am way too noble lately. 

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