Chapter 31

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After initially passing out, I drifted in and out of consciousness, some of the periods of consciousness I was more alert than others. At one point I woke up to the pain in my arm intensifying as a light pressure was put on it. 

I let out a hiss of pain and my eyes shot open to see an enormous hand slowly trying to take hold of my body. 

"No!" I shrieked as I attempted to push myself as far away from the monster in front of me as I could. This only intensified the pain spreading throughout my body, but I didn't stop, I had to get as far away as possible, my survival instincts demanded it.

Ragged gasps escaped me as I tried to drag my body backwards on the ground. Surely I must have looked like quite the pathetic thing, like the crippled prey of fierce predator that chose just to watch its victim's futile attempts at escape for its own amusement. 

The hand that sought to capture me faltered for a moment. "Stop, please. You need help." A voice laced with a miserable remorse said above me. I ignored it.

My fight or flight instincts were in full force, and they were telling me to take flight. Unfortunately for me, I was no bird. I could not fly away to safety, I couldn't even run away to safety for God's sake. I was broken and tiny compared to the threat I faced. I stood no chance, but though I was unwilling to just give up, the pain wracking my body was once again forcing me into unconsciousness. 

I gave one last desperate shove against the ground to send me moving away from the giant hand that was now once again pursuing me before I fell back into blackness.

The next time I rose back into consciousness was brief, I was only awake long enough to recognize the feeling of a massive human hand beneath me before going back under. 

Though I drifted awake a couple more times after that, everything was too bleary and unfocused for me to recall anything other than the distant feeling of motion. 

When I finally fully awoke, the first thing I took notice of was the slightly dulled, but still present pain in my right arm. I felt something wrapped around the same arm and over my shoulder. I pushed my eyes open and saw that it was what looked to be a makeshift sling of some kind, made out of a scrap of cloth. 

Before I could think too much about that, I lifted my gaze and realized where I was. Glass surrounded me on all sides and rose up to fit under a metal lid of some sort that had two fist sized holes punched into it. Even beneath me the cool glass was present. I was trapped in a glass prison.

This is a jar. I'm in a jar. I noted. 

I pushed myself up from the position that I had woken up in of being slumped up against the side of the jar. This movement reignited some of the old pain still residing in my body, but I ignored it, I was too busy being absolutely fucking pissed.

He broke my arm and locked me up in a jar like some sort of goddamn pet bug. I bitterly thought to myself. Why I had ever for even a second considered the idea that humans could possibly be anything other than complete monsters, I didn't know. 

Outside the glass prison, I recognized the table I had fallen off of before beneath me. It wasn't until I finally looked out further that I took notice of Connor sitting on the sleeping bag in the corner of the tent, his eyes watching me.

I ignored the pain as I shot to my feet and slammed the fist of my uninjured arm into the glass wall in front of me. "Let me go!" I angrily yelled, the words echoed off the glass surrounding me.

Connor rose to his feet and approached me. A cold fear stole over me as I watched his massive form nearing, but I refused to fully acknowledge it. I would not be bullied by this human.

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