Part 21

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"Good morning." I smiled stretching out on the hospital bed and staring at Gray. He was standing next to me but when I seen his grim face my smile faded. "What's wrong?" I asked, a dreadful feeling bubbling in my stomach. What could have happened in such a short amount of time?

"Listen Lina, I can't help you anymore." he mumbled lowly. 


"I can't help you, I'm sorry." he repeated before he started walking towards the door. I reached forward to grab the sleeve of his shirt;

"Gray what changed?" I asked helplessly but he ignored me and snatched his arm out of my grasp. "What changed? What changed?! WHAT CHANGED?!" I screamed at his back before he opened the door and stepped out. 

"Lina!" Gray's voice made me jump out of my sleep. I was still in the hospital bed, but it was dim and Gray was towering over me with a concerned look. I took a few moments to gather my thoughts. It was just a bad dream. I sighed in relief. I felt the hospital gown sticking to me and I realized I was covered in sweat. Gray was still hovering over me, his eyes searching my face. 

"It was just uh...a bad dream." I said in a raspy voice, trying to turn over to my side but he stopped me.

"Are you OK? You were screaming out loud." he replied uneasily. I hesitated before I answered

"I'm fine. I figure this won't be the only one. It's gonna take some time to heal."

"So it was about him?" his voice instantly turned cold at the thought of Anthony. 

"Yes." I lied. I didn't want him to know the real dream, I didn't want to chance it coming true.

"I'll help you get through it. I'll wake you up every time or something. " he answered. I was grateful he didn't want to know the details, I couldn't make up a scene on the spot. 

"OK, deal." I replied, "What time is it?"

"A lil' after 2." he answered peeking at his watch.

"I'm gonna try to get some sleep." I mentioned hoping he'd take the hint. 

"I'm right here if you need me." was his response and my heart  jerked, I was having nightmares about him leaving me and all he seemed to do is try to be there for me. Was I so damaged I didn't know how to receive genuine concern and a helping hand? I peeked back over my shoulder and seen him slumped in the chair with his head was perched on his palm. 

"Hey Gray?" 


"Come lay down." I invited him to my own surprise. I hoped he didn't decline. 

"You sure?" he questioned nervously. I turned all the way over to face him and I smiled

"Come lay down." I repeated in a more confident tone, hell I needed the comfort. I watched him get up slowly and come closer. I scooted over as far as the tiny ass bed permitted me too and he eased in beside me. "Figure out what's comfortable for you." I told him since he had the sling. After a few minutes of shuffling and swapping I ended up under his good arm with my arm resting across his stomach. It was quiet for some time, but I was feeling so warm and cozy. I'm not sure what he was feeling but it was like I fit into his arms, I was extremely comfortable where I was at and it had been a long time since I felt that. He subtly nuzzled his chin into my hair and I was okay with it. Technically we were officially cuddling and if the circumstances were different; we probably would've ended up fucking but this was a cool start. Between the sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of his grip, I was able to fall back asleep in minutes. 

"Eh-hem!" a voice pierced through my sleep and jerked me awake. I squinted for a few seconds before I seen the Dr in front of the bed with her arms folded. "Good morning." she said flatly. Gray was still laying down with one leg hanging off the bed.

"Hey." I replied, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. 

"Here are your prescriptions and discharge papers." she handed me a few folded pieces of paper. 

"What about my baby?" I snapped.

"We'll release the body to the funeral home, do as you please." she responded cruelly. I wanted to jump off the bed and beat her ass, but I knew that couldn't help the situation. "All the information is in the paperwork." she added on.

"She wants hand and footprints. A death certificate, a picture of her child." Gray's voice came through with force. We both looked back at him, he was sitting up with irritation across his face. "Could you have some sympathy doctor?" he asked sarcastically. 

"Fine. I will have a nurse come and help." she responded and left the room without another word.

"I can't believe that shit." I murmured 

"That bitch was out of line." he agreed shaking his head 

"Thanks for that." 

"That is what you wanted right?"

"Of course!" I wanted all the memories I could get, even though the baby was Anthony's I loved it because it was a part of me. 

"Okay, well I'm gonna head down to the lobby to see if I'm clear to go. I'll meet you in the cafeteria when you're finished?" 

"Sure." I answered with a smile. I appreciated him trying to give me my space while I dealt with my child. Gray adjusted his sling and walked towards the door. He looked back at me and gave me a small grin before he disappeared. The nurse walked in right after him, she was holding papers in her hand. 

"Did you want to take be there when we take the picture hon?" she asked in a sympathetic tone, handing me paperwork. It was the death certificate and the hand/footprints. My baby was a girl, 5 lbs 2 oz, she would've been a Virgo. My heart heart started to beat fast and my palms got wet. I didn't want to believe it, how could she die? Just be taken away from me like that? I wanted to give the nurse the papers back, it was too hard to accept. I swallowed my emotions and looked up

"Yeah, I'd like to be there." I said solemnly, then I followed her out of the hospital room.

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