The most frustrating part is when you fool people into thinking you've actually achieved all of society's expectations... half of them hate you and the other half makes you part of their sex fantasies. Crazy right? You've become something that everyone wants you to be, only to end up having them hate you and sexualize you. They only hate you because you've achieved something that they haven't/can't. However, no one will let you know that they hate you, they will praise you and make you popular, just so they have a chance to be your friend, thus raising their own status in the process. This is a selfish game people are playing—a game that some people take more seriously than others. Now, I get how self-centered and narcissistic I must sound. I don't mean to be all "Everyone's out to get me", but this is just my experience.

Everyone turned my way as I walked in, many said hi, some glared, and others didn't care. I wasn't the queen bee around here or anything; I didn't have enough backbone to boss people around. I was just known as the nice girl. I didn't gossip, I said hi to everyone, just like how society wanted me to be. Long story short, I was society's bitch.

As I walked through the halls, I examined people to see what category they would fall into. I looked to my left and saw Seth Collins and his jock buddies, leaning against their lockers, eyeing me up. Seth was definitely part of the cruel 10%. He doesn't take orders from anyone, he knows what he believes in, and he's a dick. He's the type of person to make kids lives a living hell just for the fun of it. His minions, on the other hand, are definitely part of the 80%. They'll believe anything that comes out of his mouth. They'll pick on a kid if he says so and they'll protect a kid if he says so. Swaying from cruel to merciful. And trust me, you don't want to be under his protection. If he protects you, that means he wants you, and if you resist, he will get you one way or another.

I glanced to my right and saw Charlotte Valerio, one of the debate team captains. Charlotte was definitely part of the merciful 10%. She knows what she believes in, would never accuse someone of something without evidence, and literally wouldn't hurt a fly. She may be part of the debate team, thus making her a little feisty at times, but she's feisty for all the right reasons. Even I couldn't be that perfect if I tried. But her version of perfect isn't society's version of perfect, thus why she isn't popular.

Then again, who was I to put people in categories when I barely knew them? Just another one of my flaws—I assumed a lot of things, but that was another attribute needed to be popular. I needed to be confident in what I said, and second-guessing myself about these things was not a mindset that would help me achieve being confident.

"LOKI!" I heard someone screech across the hallway. I whipped my head to see my crackhead of a friend, Bella, about to tackle me to the ground. Bella and I have been best friends since freshman year. She has wavy dark brown hair that reaches the middle of her back with seductive brown eyes that match her hair. She has very mature features but acts like a child, well, a child that is very sexually active. She was easily one of the most attractive girls in school, but what do you expect when the girl's last name is literally "Devine".

After getting my soul crushed out of my body, I pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"Hey, Bell. How's volleyball going?" I asked calmly, brushing my hair back into place. They had tryouts and practice a few weeks before school started.

"Eh, the team has potential, but the loss of the seniors really set us back. However," She dragged out the word, "there is a really hot freshman on the team." She whispered, nudging me in the ribs. Only Bella, Maddison, and Audrey knew that I was pansexual; and I made them swear to take it to their graves (or at least wait till college), but that didn't stop their relentless teasing they tormented me with.

"Bell, she's a freshman." I pointed out, continuing to walk to my locker.

"Soooo?" she questioned, running to catch up with me.

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