Chapter 57: A Long War, A Tough War

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With a drink in her hand—even though she had yet to take a single sip—Annie leaned against the wooden railing in front of her and stared out over the lake that seemed to stretch for miles into the distance before finally being cut off by the bottoms of great, tall mountains.

At sunset, the faded hue of pink in the sky cast its colourful reflection into the water below, allowing the lake to glisten with the last few rays of the sun for that day. There were birds chirping in the distance, and with the faint sounds of various conversations around her, Annie was sure she hadn't felt more content in a long while; even with the aspect of shipping off to the Pacific looming over her like a dark thunder cloud

"Sergeant Winslow." Annie heard her name and perked up, her forearms pushing her away from the railing as she turned to see Winters approaching her.

"Major Winters." Annie switched the glass to her other hand and gave a curt salute. "Is there something I can do for you, sir?"

Winters rested a single hand on the railing and glanced at the breathtaking scenery for a second. "Actually, Sergeant, there is something I am hoping I can do for you." 

"Oh?" Annie tilted her head slightly at the statement. "Well, in that case, sir, what is it that you can do for me?"

"I can send you back to England," he cut to the chase, his eyes scanning the blonde medic's face for a reaction even though he had yet to mention any of the pertinent details. "There's a position that's opened up at one of the Army-owned hospitals near Aldbourne that I think you would be perfect for. They need someone with experience who knows what they're doing and I can't think of anyone who fits that description better than you, Sergeant."

Taking a moment or two to process the information, Annie set her glass down on the nearest surface and sucked in a deep breath. "Sir, I don't know what to say," she began. "Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me, Winslow." Winters couldn't tell if the offer was going over well or not yet. "If you want it, the job is yours. I can arrange to have you packed up and sent out within the week."

Annie let out a small chuckle. "If I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to get rid of me, sir."

"It's a good thing you know me better then." Winters cracked a smile as he thought back to the first time he had ever met little Antonia Winslow. So small, so shy, and yet, so stubborn. "You've served your country well; better than anyone could have ever asked for. Do yourself a favour, Annie—avoid redeployment, take the job."

A small smile spread across Annie's face as she weighed the pros and cons. On one hand, she would be going somewhere she knew she liked where she could put her skills to good use without having to put her life on the line every single day. On the other hand, however, she would be leaving behind the people she had spent the past four years with; she would be leaving behind her family. Margot, George, Joe, Eugene, Spina ... they would all go back off to war without her. 

When it boiled down to it, however, the choice was simple; how could it not be? Clearly, between the two options, there was one that made the most logical sense, and that was the one she had to go with. 

If there was one thing being in the Army had taught Annie, it was that sometimes you had to make sacrifices for the greater good, whether that be the greater good of the people or even just yourself.


As the jeep slowed to a stop in front of Liebgott and the German General, Winters and Nixon motioned for the three passengers in the back seat to hop out. Climbing out behind Lipton, Margot and Annie rested against the side of the vehicle with their arms folded over their chests.

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