Chapter 22: Purple Heart

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Being back in a field camp was a welcomed change of pace for Easy Company. Even though being pulled off of the front lines was somewhat offensive to the troopers with large egos, the men and women couldn't deny that the warm food, real beds, fresh ODs, and showers were too good to pass up.

Annie was among the happiest by far, and as she strolled down the dirt path toward the mess hall, she relished in the feeling of not having to worry about someone dying. Of course, the thought was always there, gnawing away at the back of her brain, but at least she was able to forget it existed for a few minutes every once in a while.

Hearing the cheerful conversations among the men, the small medic was just about to find a seat at one of the tables when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, Annie was greeted by Winters. "Oh, sir." She smiled up at him. "Hello."

"Hello, Private Winslow." Winters returned the smile. "Do you have a minute to speak? I just need a few minutes with you and Corporal Kessler." 

Annie nodded as she began to follow Winters to a quieter area. When they arrived at the small building that was being used as one of the many Battalion offices, Margot was already waiting inside. Winters closed the door and gestured for the women to take a seat.

Annie turned to Margot, searching her expression for any clues that would tell her why they were there, but there was nothing. Margot was just as unaware of the reason for them being there as she was. Lowering herself into one of the chairs, Annie cleared her throat. "Sir, forgive me for sounding like a child for asking this," she began. "But, are we in trouble?"

Winters let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "No, no trouble at all. In fact, as far as I know, I only have good news today."

Both Annie and Margot felt the weight on their shoulders lift. Once they were relaxed and comfortable, Winters clasped his hands together and got straight to the point. "Colonel Sink has been in contact and he wishes that I relay to you his appreciation and pride for your work thus far in the Airborne. He has been made aware of your many successes, such as your help destroying the German garrison on D-day Private Winslow, and your bravery during the taking of Carentan Corporal Kessler. He feels—and of course, I couldn't agree more—that both of you have earned promotions. So, first and foremost, I would like to congratulate you, Corporal Winslow and Sergeant Kessler on your promotions."

The women's faces lit up. "Thank you, sir." Margot was the first to speak. 

Annie nodded in agreement with Margot's appreciation. "Thank you."

Winters couldn't help but smile when he saw the pride and joy spread through the women. He had hoped from the very beginning that the caring medic and the sharp-witted machine-gunner would succeed, and thus far, they had done nothing but. 

"Next item on the agenda. As you are probably aware, we have replacements in to bring the company numbers back up to full force," Winters explained. "These new men are much less experienced and have much less training than the original group that came from Toccoa, so they will be in need of some guidance. Corporal Winslow, you will be assisting Roe and Spina in getting the replacements up to speed with basic first aid, and Sergeant Kessler, you will be getting a new partner."

Margot's face twisted with confusion. "Sir?" she inquired. "I thought Smokey returned from the hospital this morning?"

"That he did," Winters confirmed, confusing the woman even more. "But Battalion feels it would be more productive to pair the replacements up with some of the more, for lack of a better word, capable gunners. Walter Gordon will also be receiving a new partner, just so you don't think this is solely a punishment for you."

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