Betrothel day

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Merida's POV

Me and Hiccup have been seeing eachother every day for another month and I feel like I like him more and more.Its Betrothel day and the clans are coming later in the day.Ma mum was giving me another lady lesson about how a lady is graceful and has a good posture.I sit here and start thinking about Hiccup.His beautiful emerald green eyes,his hair that makes you want to mess it up.Ma mum said my name sternly and I stopped thinking about Hiccup.

"Merida,the clan leaders sons are here for your hand!You WILL have to marry one of them!"

"But mum!"

"No buts!Now,let us go see the dress Maudi layer out for you."

We walk into my room and i see a blue dress with a gold collar line and a white hair cap with a green emerald on it.I put it on and I can barely breathe and my hair is completely hidden in the cap.

"Mum..I can't breathe!"

"You look beautiful!Good posture....Merida,stop looking so glum!Let's go,they are probably waiting for us."

We go to the thrones and I see the clans have got there and they are all lined up.A short man with white hair walks up proudly and a man puts him on a stool to stand on.Dingwall.A small man,or boy,with blonde hair,who looked weak,and like he didn't know what was going on around him was his son,young Dingwall.

Next,an arrogant looking man with black hair and blue paint all over him was Macintosh.A boy with black hair stood next to him with his chin held high.Young Macintosh.He looked very arrogant.

Next was a big man with blonde hair and a big beard.Mcguffin.His son stood next to him a broke a log looking nervous and scared.He had blonde hair and was slightly smaller than his father.

"Welcome clans!You are here to compete for the hand of Princess Merida!The eldest of each clan leader can fight for the princess's hand!The princess will choose the type of competition the clans will go through to fight for her hand!"Ma mum said.I got an idea and jumped out of my throne.

"Archery!"I sat down gracefully and said "Ahem.I choose archery!"

Looks like I'll be shooting for my own hand!


The field is set up with three targets and the clans flags.Young Macguffin is first and he barely has to pull the arrow back.He misses almost completely and groans.

Next was Young Macintosh.He acted very arrogant and flashed a look at the lasses in the crowd.Hopefully he wouldn't get a bullseye.He pulled his arrow and released.He was about two inches away from the bullseye.He yelled and started hitting the ground with his bow.

"That's charming."I say sarcastically and my mother shushes me.

Young Dingwall was up and he could barely get his arrow to stay on the bow.He dropped all his arrows just getting one.His arrow went sideways on his bow and when he got it straight on the bowstring,my father yelled,"Get on with it!"And he let go of the arrow in fear.It was a bullseye.My father got up in surprise and Dingwall taunted the other clan leaders.Now was time to put my plan to action.

I carried my clan flag with my cloak surrounding me."My name is Merida!I am the first eldest child of the DunBroch clan!And I'll be shooting for my own hand!"

To be continued

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