Getting to know eachother

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Hiccups POV

"Friends?"She asked and held out her hand.I looked at her and smiled,i shook her hand.I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and and smiled,not realizing how big and curious they were,full of adventure,bravery,and her beautiful hair,a big red mane on her head.Wait you cant fall in love with her,you are with Astrid.Merida looked at me weirdly and I realized I was still holding her hand."Oh,sorry,I was thinking."

"Oh its ok,about?"

"My girlfriend Astrid?"


We stood in that awkward silence until Toothless nudged her.He wanted fish.She shot him a fish and she gave it to him."How long have you been doin archery?" "Well,on my birthday when I was a wee lass,my father gave me a bow!Ever since then,I've been practicing archery!Now I'm very good at it!"She stood up and motioned for me to follow her.We stopped at a waterfall with a large,large rock stood."Sometimes I climb up there and drink the water from the falls!Only the bravest of kings have tried to do it!""So you're a brave king?"I teased."No!Im the brave princess!""you're a princess?!Youre so,unlady like,and fun!""My mum wants me to act proper,but I dont!So,Hiccup,howd you train Toothless?" "Well,I was trying to prove I could kill a dragon,prove I was a viking,so I made an invention to capture one,I caught Toothless and he hurt his tale,so I started bonding with him and made him a tail.Then we became best buds after a while.I had trained him,now everyone has dragons at Berk!""That sounds amazing!""It is.How bout you climb that rock so you can prove it?""ok,then I have to be able to fly with you and Toothless!""Deal!"

She climbed all the way up and drank the water.Then she started cheering and sat down on the edge."Time to come get me!"She yelled.I got on Toothless and flew up.She got on and when she started flying,she looked in awe at the ground below her."I feel like a bird,I have only ever felt like I was riding and jumping over logs with Angus!Now I feel it here!"We went down and she hugged me"Thankyou Hiccup!I had a lot of fun!Its getting dark,my mum is probably worried..Bye!Ill come back to the forest tomorrow!We should go to Berk!" I nodded and she left walking towards the castle.

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