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Meridas POV

I can't believe hes taking me to Berk today!I can't wait to see all the dragons!And meet people!My mother doesn't know of course.She would forbid me to do something i always..I walked into the woods and met Hiccup by the river."Hey Hic!""Hey."He said well petting Toothless."So,are we going to Berk?"I asked eagerly."Oh yea!Hop on!"He helped me onto Toothless the same time as before.Then,he got on.We flew up.

We flew over rocks and cliffs.The clouds around us,I felt the same sensation as the first time.Finally,we reached a small island.When we for closer,I saw many dragons,a blus one,a two headed one,a big one,and many other amazing ones."wow.."I sighed in awe.Hiccup seemed to chuckle when I said that."What?Ive never seen any place like it!"I said and lightly punched him.We landed and everyone looked our way.A blonde girl with a braid came up to us and looked at me and asked,"Who's this?""Im Merida!Princess of Dun Broch!"I held out my hand and she looked at it for a while before shaking it.I got off of Toothless and went to a tree and started climbing.I heard the girl talking to Hiccup.

"Hiccup,who is she?"

"She's a friend Astrid,it's not like im in love with her or something.."

That made me feel kind of sad..Finding out that he didn't like me.I knew he had a girlfriend,but a part of me wished he would like me.

"Ok Hiccup.."She said and walked away..

I sat in the tree and looked at the dragons."Hey."Hiccup said."oh,hey.""Wanna meet my friends?""ok!"He walked me to a boy with dark hair."Hey gorgeous!"He said."Excuse me?"I said,then I punched him.Hiccup chuckled and everyone looked at me."Oops.Sorry""well thats snotlout by the way.""More like snotmouth."I said snort laughing."Geez.You punch hard for a princess.""Well,I'm not the average princess lad!"We walked away to a boy and girl arguing over an axe."This is Ruffnut and Tuffnut.""oh,hello"Ruffnut greeted.Tuffnut took this chance and took away the axe.They started arguing again.We went up to another boy who was reading a book."This is Fishlegs."Fighlegs shook my hand and went back to reading."I like your friends!"We went to a river and started talking.Im starting to like Hiccup more and more.....

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