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Sorry for not updating in so long...heres the end of the story


Merida layed down in the soft grass as Hiccup played with her messy curls.He smiled,looking at her and she blushed.

"What?"She asked,smiling.

"Nothing,you're just so beautiful."He replied.

Merida blushed even more.Efen after all their time together,she still vlushed when he said thibgs like this.

It had been 4 years since they had gotten married and Merida loved the freedom.She xhecked on her brothers sometimes but they could handle things themselves for the most part.

"So Mer,ive been thinking.Where do you want to go next?"

Merida had gotten a dragon for herself and they were travelling constantly.However,they had trouble agreeing on which ways to go.

"I dont know Hic,maybe we shoyld settle down for a bit?The travelling is great and all,but I could take a break.Ya know?"

"Yeah.I was thinking the same thing."

The two sat in silent agreement,as they both decided to settle down for a while.

Three months later

They lived in a little cottage that Hiccup had built.It was small yet big enough for them to be comfortable.There was a river nearby for fish for the dragons and themselves,and woods nearby where Merida hunted for game,usually bringing back small animals like rabbits,hares,and birds.

Merida was currently sitting down on a chair,notiving how she seemes to gain weight over the months and she wasnt usually up to hunting asuch as before.Finally,realization hit her.
Hiccup walked in with a bucket of fish that would be cooked for dinner.Merida thought it would be a good time to tell him.

"You know Hic.Maybe this could be our permanent home?With the river nearby and the woods.And the village isnt too far from here."Merida said.

"Whatever yoy want Mer,this is all for you."

She smiled nervously and looked at him.

"Well,it wont only be for me either I suppose."

Hiccup looked at her in confusion,but he seemes to add all rhe puzzle pieces together.Wanting to settle down permanently,her bit of weight gain.He knew.She was pregnant.He smiled widely and pucked up Merida.He spun her and settled her down gently,kissing her softly on the cheek.She giggled and smiled.She was going to be a mother
12 years later

The twin boys were running around the yard.Fergus was chasing Stoick with a stick as he ran away,laughing.Fergus had thick red hair and green eyes like hiccups.Whereas Stoick had dark brown hair and blue eyes like Merida.

Merida looked at the boys happily as she held her 6 year old daughter close to her as she had fallen asleep in the warm sun.

Hiccup walked outside and hearing him walk towards them,Emma woke up.She had dark brown hair with brown eyes.She smiled and leapt from her mothers arms to hug her father,who held her tightly.

"Come on,lets got to the apple tree."

As the boys heard their father,they came running to them.
"Lets go!"Fergus exclaimed,running towards the lonr apple tree that had been growing years before the twins were born.Stoick ran after Fergus and said,"Hold up!"

Fergus replued with "Maybe you should keep up!" and stoick replied "I can keep up!" and the boys laughed.

Emma ran after them and yelled,"Wait for me guys!"

Merida and Hiccup walked after them,smiling.As the children got to the tree,Fergus pucked up Emily so that she could get a red apple.She pucked it off the tree and took a bite.

"Mama theyre ready!"She exclaimed.

Stoick picked the apples while Fergus held them while sitting on a branch.Emma ran around the tree,circling them with excitemnt for the fruit she loved so much was finally ready.

Hiccup and Merida sat in the grass next to eachother smiling.Thinking that they could not imagine a more perfect life together...

OH MY GOD I GAVE MYSELF FEELS.So yeah.the book is over now!I personally like how it ended.....a lot....XD well....goodbye...thanks for all the support you guys gave me throughout this journey!I have learned to write better,but not only that,but to have a more vivid imagination and be more creative.Thanks again guys.Sadly,this will be the last time I will be adressing you.Farewell and I hope yoy all have great lives.

The Brave Archer&The Dragon TamerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora