z e r o

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Two and a half years earlier

"Vic, I dare you to kiss Jonah." I smiled. This was routine by now, us playing truth or dare, someone daring my boyfriend and I to kiss. Why it always happened, I didn't know. How Jonah and I kissing yet again was entertaining was beyond me.

Nevertheless, I turned to him and pressed our lips together. My hand rested on his low thigh and his fingers wrapped in my curls. I pulled away slightly and smiled. We pecked one last time before I sat back into my place, giggling when Jonah pulled me tightly into his side.

My smile faltered but I shoved down my emotions. I loved Jonah. I did, we'd been through so much together. So how could I not?

Two years earlier

The heaviness of my choice weighed on me and I sighed, taking off my glasses for a moment to wipe my eyes. Almost a year of being together and this was how it ended. But I couldn't lie to either of us anymore.

I sat back on the couch in my living room, periodically glancing at my phone. Maybe Daniel's contact would pop up. My heart fluttered at the thought before I brushed it away, realizing how dangerous that would be, especially when Jonah was mere minutes away from my house, would be here any second. The idea was tantalizing though. A call from Daniel would be so nice right now, would calm my nerves, set my rapid-fire mind at ease.

I swallowed harshly as I saw Jonah's car pull up. My heart sank as I saw his smile through the front windows, knowing that smile would soon drop. I almost reconsidered but I couldn't let myself suffer anymore, couldn't lead him along.

As usual, Jonah walked right in, eyeing the stairs up to my room before catching sight of me on the couch. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?"

I let my eyes shut before looking at him. "Come sit."

Jonah's mood dropped, matching mine. He sat almost cautiously on the edge of the couch, resting an elbow on his knee.

I tried to come up with a tactical way to broach the subject but me being me I just blurted out, "We need to break up."

"Was it something I did? I can fix myself. I promise I'll be better-"

I cut him off. "It's not you, Jo. I promise it's not. I just-" I couldn't meet his eyes. "I just don't feel the same way anymore."

"Did you meet someone else?" His voice was harsh and the question seemed to come out of nowhere.

I blinked. "No, Jonah it's not like that-"

"Not like what, Victoria?" He snapped.

"I didn't cheat on you. Never. This has been coming for a while-"

Jonah huffed out a sigh. "So you've been wanting to break up with me for a while and just didn't tell me?"

"No, Jonah-" My movements were becoming frantic and jerky as Jonah tried to stand and I grabbed his hand. "Feelings faded, okay? I never meant to hurt you, I promise."

He scoffed, bringing us both to a standing position as he got off the couch. "Tell me, Victoria. Did you meet someone?"

"Yes, but not like that," I admitted. "I never cheated on you. I just vented to him and stuff." My voice lowered to a mumble and I drew my hands back to myself.

Jonah ran a hand through his hair. "You can keep my hoodies, Vic. I'll see you around."

"Jo, please. Can we at least try to stay friends?" It was a long shot, I knew that. But Jonah's answering condescending chuckle still hurt.

I followed after him as he made for the door. "Jo-"

"Save it," he snapped and slammed the door in my face.

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