Chapter 17

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I crept down the hallway, keeping close to the wall. I didn't expect anyone to be up this late but I couldn't take any chances. I knew they weren't in the prison since they had took me down there when I was unconscious. Luckily I woke just in time before they made it to the cell. A door stood ajar and poured out light into the dim hallway. I made my way inside to see them all on the floor playing cards.

Jacob looked up just as he proudly displayed his cards to the two, "Have you come to finally join us?"

Ethan threw down his card in frustration. "Dude! You're cheating!"

"That's the tenth time he's won!" Courtney said in bewilderment.

"Where's Ash?" Jacob said noticing she wasn't with me. He stood up looking serious.

"Ashley is fine. She wanting on us. We need to go right now." I motioned for them to follow but the door slammed shut as I walked towards it. Rushing towards it, I tried turning the handle but it won't budge.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave. You have a few subjects that would be worthy for us."

Courtney knitted her eyebrows together and mumbled, "Worthy for what?"

"Chris! Opened the door!" I pounded against it. "Chris!"

"Now what?"

I frowned and Courtney knocked against the door. She turned to look at us and suggested, "Why don't we try slamming against the door with our bodies? The force should break it open. Unless someone has a better idea?"

"It's worth a shot."

We all stood at the back of the wall. We looked at each other before I asked, "On the count of three?"



"Three." We charged towards the door bracing for impact, instead it opened before we slammed into it. I tried to stopped but the others bumped into me and we tumbled to the ground. Someone moved above me and pushed against me.

"What the heck?! What do you want?" Courtney choked out. I pushed away the others to see Eve standing above us.

She closed the door, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I've come to ask you a favor," she said nervously. Jacob glared at her before she added, "I know you all hate me and probably want to kill me but please hear me out."

"As much as I'd like to hear your apologize speech we need to move, right Noah?" Jacob retorted at Eve and turned to me, waiting.

I watched Eve closely, her eyes pleading. "Go ahead, you've got two minutes."

"Being the only girl here, my brothers and father push me around and make me do things I don't want to do. I didn't want to mess with your sister," she turned to Jacob then looked at me, "or girlfriend. I've tried to leave multiple times but they always find me. Please... I'm begging you. Let me go with you all. It might be my only chance."

Eve was practically begging at our feet. Courtney rolled her eyes, "Stop being so dramatic."

"Hey! She's been through enough," I glared at Courtney, "but Eve how do we know we can trust you?"

She glanced around before whispering, "I know how to stop all of this commotion."

I knitted my eyebrows together and the others did the same.

"You all know the whole "them" thing and how they came to take over the world? It's true but only half of it. They were all ready here long before that, living among us. No one knows what their real name is. Ashley all ready experienced one of Them. When They took hold of this planet They gave us something in return. Gifts. The stuff I injected her with was Their DNA and the powers. In return we turned Them into a 'virus' you would say. Injecting it into a host and allowing them to control that body. A never ending cycle that's been going on for millions of years until now."

Courtney was enthralled by Eve's conversation, totally forgetting that she was mad a second ago, "Until now?"

"Until they stopped inject them into host. My father was apart of a secret company for the government. His job was to produce more DNA for powers while kidnapping people to inject. It was run by Them. The workers their finally realized that what they were doing was wrong and they started killing the 'virus'. They managed to take out the preexisting 'virus' that was in the human successfully but They started to notice. When They saw my father was behind this They injected him with the 'Virus'. It's been so many years that the cure doesn't work for him."

"The true love's kiss," I said out loud.

Eve smiled, "If only it was that. Any kiss that the Host desire the most while still present in the mind will work... temporarily. Ashley only has a few hours before They take hold of her again. Don't freak out though. I know the cure."

"Which is what exactly?!" Jacob asked, alarmed.

"I'll only give it to you until I know that I'm allowed to come along. Only then will I give it to her."

Ethan tested, "And if your lying?"

"Then good luck getting your Ashley back," Eve smirked looking at all of us, waiting for one of us to argue against her.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go get Ashley!"

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