Chapter Twenty Two

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"...The final waltz with my Granddad..."

The day dawned. The day before I left Blackpool for the big city once again. I hadn't talked to Simon since he basically told me that I was a cheating harlot (my words, not his, the meaning was implied), but I had it on good authority that he was coming to the Ballroom. Not that I really cared anymore. What he had said hurt and yes, he may have been the one thing I had been looking for in my years on this planet, but that's no excuse for... ok, I didn't even want to think about him at that moment. I had more important things to plan.

I didn't for one minute let on to Granddad Mel or Grandma Nicki what was going on, I just told them to close the bar for the night and put their glad rags on. Apparently there was a mini revolution when the notice went up on the door, but it was nothing that my Grandparents couldn't handle. There had been many a mini revolution in the bar over the years, the biggest being "The Great Shutdown of 2002". Dark days indeed. Mum and Dad were extremely suspicious of my intentions for the evening but went along with me none the less.

The only thing that was missing was Lillian. I couldn't phone her at the Clinic, but from what I had been told, she was listening to the counsellors, which is more than she ever did with us. Simon was obviously right when he told us that it would be the best place for her. About the only thing that he was right about. Seriously, what was it with the men I picked? I thought I had something good with Simon but then he goes and says that. Maybe I was being over sensitive or just angsty about the fact that I would be home in a day. The more I thought about it, the more I felt sick. I had been seaside acclimatised again, and the city seemed alien to me now.

My world seemed a lot safer than the real world. The real world was full of problems that I didn't want to deal with. My world was pink, fluffy and full of glittery writer type things that would carry me on Cloud Nine forever. Unfortunately, those kinds of worlds only exist in fiction. Maybe I would create it one day, put it down on paper. Just like I was doing now. No, actually what I was doing now was trying to be Carrie Bradshaw and choose between Aiden and Big (there was no choice, Aiden all the way). I was a dreamer, I couldn't help it. It was all those years of writing everything down when the Bar was in full swing.

I soon snapped out of my daydream when I looked at the time. I had literally an hour to get ready before I dragged everyone to the Ballroom. I showered and dressed quickly, pulling out my favourite blue cocktail dress for the occasion. I let my hair dry naturally, so the curl would stay in and fished out my stilettos. When my minimal jewellery and make up were put on, I checked myself in the mirror and realised that I didn't half look bad. If Simon made good on his word to come to the party, then I would knock him sideways. I hoped. Yes, Power of a Woman and all that.

I met everyone who was coming to the party, downstairs half an hour later. They all gave huge gasps of shock, or may be even horror when I descended. It was only when Granddad Mel actually took me by the hand and smiled, that I knew I didn't look like a complete dog.

'What's the big secret then?' Dad finally ventured, looking rather suave in his grey suit. 'You've basically had us all in lockdown today.'

'I am not telling you.' I grinned, closing the clasp on my clutch bag. 'All I will say, is that we should be heading to the Tower.'

'The Tower?' Mum interjected. 'What could possibly be so wonderful about the flaming Tower?'

'Laura for goodness sake.' Grandma Nicki piped up. 'Jessie is trying to do a nice thing for us and you go and say something like that. Shame on you child.' I have never seen Mum cow down to someone before, but she certainly cowed down to her mother. Dad decided that this was somewhat hilarious and didn't try and hide it.

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