Chapter Eighteen

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"...Six days and counting... oh god!"

Waking up on the Tuesday morning, I was hit with the sudden realisation that this would be one of the last times the sun, rather than my alarm clock, would make me open my eyes. I stretched out my arms and turned my head to take in the glow coming through my window. Damn, I was going to miss this place so much. I never realised how much. I suppose that all saying, you don't know what you got until it's gone really did make sense now. It was just a shame that it took so long for me to see it that way. I allowed my left arm to fall to my side and feel around the empty side of my bed. There was no Simon last night. A day with Lillian had mentally and physically drained him so he went home but we did spend a few hours "over the phone" so to speak!

It was no good trying to lie in on such a perfect day and besides, I had way too much to do and organise. My little idea to go out with a bang was slowly taking shape in my head but it was becoming less about me and more about the people that I loved. I was just praying to whoever was in charge that it would go off without any complications. But hey, this is me and you've probably figured out by now that what happens in my world doesn't exactly happen in the real world now does it.

After a quick shower and a half hour of trying to convince myself that my electric pink playsuit wasactually suitable outside of an Ann Summers Party especially in this weather, I was ready and running into the living room to pick up my bag. In there however, lay another shock to my system. For there on the sofa, was a sight a daughter should never have to see no matter how old they are. Mum and Dad snogging like six formers on their first date.

'Oh my God!' slips out of my mouth before I realise causing them both to jump up in shock.

'Oh Jessie darling, we didn't see you there.' Mum gasped, as she did up her blouse (again something that a daughter should never ever see!)

'What on Earth is going on?' I asked mouth agape. I was starting to look like the salmon that Grandma Nicki was serving for tea.

'Umm..... err.... Oh God Laura can you take this one?' Dad tried to explain himself away before looking at Mum in desperation.

'I am sure that Jessie knows what's going on here darling.' Mum called Dad darling? That was a first. 'We've, well, work it dear daughter.'

'I think I already have.' I squealed, as I decided to sit down for fear of fainting. 'But, but why didn't you tell me. I am your daughter after all.'

'Oh sweetie.' Mum sighed, sitting up a little straighter. 'We didn't want to tell you just in case this wasn't going to go anywhere. You know what me and your father are like.'

'Charming.' Dad piped up, slightly offended.

'Shut up Jules.' Mum interrupted before turning her attention back to me. 'The other thing is, we know that you're going back to London soon and we didn't want to give you anything else to worry about.'

'Why would I be worried about something that I've wanted since I was a kid?' I asked slightly confused more than annoyed. 'This is the best thing ever!'

'Well, like I said...' Mum raised her hand. 'Let's just see how it goes.'

'Again, charming.' Dad huffed again earning himself a slap from Mum. 'Ow.'

'Well shut up then and behave yourself whilst I talk to our daughter.' Mum said, with a sly grin on her face. Dad just raised his hands, got up and walked out of the living room presumably down to the bar. Mum turned her attention once again to me and took my hand on hers.

'I know this is something that you've wanted for a long time my darling,' she began. 'But I suppose it's something that I've wanted to. Deep down I mean.'

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