"Suck it up, Jackie! Be a man! Stay strong for Mark!" Then she slapped my arm so hard, she bruised it. Even though she was being aggressive, her words were very sincere.

So, I will continue to march on. Have hope on my dreams of waking up from this nightmare and hugging Mark in my arms. Kissing him and making sure I never lose him again.

"Hey Leo! Where's my coffee?" I yell loud enough for Leo to hear. I can't go a day without my coffee. He's usually on time. Like Leo would say he's 'punctual'.

A cup of steaming coffee is placed on my desk. Leo's hands look different. Smaller and softer.

"Can you get me the file labeled 'Tucker Bills'." I order him. He is my secretary, he knows where everything is. He's been here for years, he knows this place better than myself.

Yet, I never expected to hear what he says next.

"Yes master."


My pen drops.

My heartbeat quickens.

My ears replay the voice that I just heard.

My entire world freezes after hearing one voice.

That sweet, heavenly voice.

My eyes shoot up from my desk and they land on sweet, chocolate eyes. His hair is undyed and it's a velvety black. His skin looks as smooth as ever and his smile is as precious as I remembered.

"Mark? Is that...really you?" I feel the tears build in my eyes.

"Yes master!" He salutes by bringing two fingers to his head, his notorious smile greeting me.

I fling out of my seat and hug the man that I've missed for years. My one and only true love.

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me just as hard as I squeeze him. His sweet scent greets my nose.

"It really is you." I cry tears of joy. No one salutes so stupidly like Mark.

"I'm back. I've missed you." Mark mumbles against my chest. My shirt becomes wet from his tears.

I break the hug and put his soft face in my hands. He stares up at me with longing eyes. He's missed me as much as I've missed him.


"I snuck away. I couldn't stay anymore. I wanted to see you. No, I-I needed to see you." His warm hands hold onto my wrists.

"Mai, she helped me escape. She got into an argument with Namjoon and she just let me go. Either he was getting on her nerves or...I think she felt kind of guilty."

If she felt so guilty, she should've let him go a long time ago. Fuck her, I don't care about her. All I need is Mark. I need him to stay with me.

I can't go another day without him. He's my light, my everything. Seeing him now, he feels more mature yet the same. I stroke his soft hair.

"Do you remember our happy memories?" Mark smiles cutely.

"Of course, I do."

"Good. Forget all the bad memories. No actually, scratch everything out of your head. Let's start over like I said before."

He clears his throat and fixes his black tie. I think this is the first time I've seen him in a suit: He's gorgeous.

"Hi there sir! My name is Mark Tuan!" Mark holds his hand out for me to shake it.

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora