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Mark POV

"This place is huge. Woah." I look around the big building.

Silver floors, creamy walls, white stairs, it's beautiful. And looks expensive.

But no time to be awestruck. I have a mission.

I walk up to the lady sitting at a big white desk.

"Yes how...may I help you?" Once she looks up from her paperwork she begins to murmur.

"I'm here to apply for a job." I smile.

She laughs.

"You're kidding right? How in the world do you think you can get a job looking like that?" She laughs her heart out.

Salty fish.

"Looks are looks. Just give me an application please." I grow impatient.

"Whoo. Whoo. You made my day. But what's the point in applying? Are you going to clean up for an interview?" She rummages around her desk.

"No....I don't really have any...other clothes." I pity myself and my brokeness.

The woman laughs harder.

"Here here. Take this before I lose my job from laughing. Fill it out and bring it back to me. You can sit in the library." She points to a transparent door.

"Thank" How dare she laugh at me?

I don't curse but fish works as a great substitute.

I walk to the door, which slides itself open, and I almost have a heartattack.

I take a seat in the deadly silent library.

"Hmmm. Let's see..." I mumble to myslef.

Gosh I hate filling out applications.

What are your talents? Eating, sleeping, and being homeless

Do you have pass experience in business and trading? In 5th grade I traded my juice box for a French fry. Does that count?

How old are you? 24 dumplings in soup

Which is correct:
The seller is more important than the consumer or is the consumer more important that the seller? Both are important and they should drink tea together if they have a disagreement

Ugh! Why are there so many questions!

If a consumer bargains for a lower price than proposed, should you as a seller lower it? Yes because certain people are broke and cheaper is always better

If your boss calls you to a meeting, how should you act in said meeting? Act like a duckie in the bathtub. Smooth sailing

I sigh at the abundance of questions. I continue answering the ones I understand then I meander back to the laughing lady's desk.


"Thanks love. I'm sure Mr. Wang will get a kick reading this." She laughs at the application I just gave her.

"Who's Mr. Wang?" I ask curiously.

"The CEO of this company. The big boss. Handsome man with hella money." She smiles.

"You must like him. Your eyes twinkled." I smile too. I love romance.

Can't relate to romance but I love seeing it.

"Yep. But he's a cold man. I heard he made a girl cry on the first date because she wore the wrong dress. He'll probably break a girls heart literally."

"That's scary. Well um.....have fun with that!"

"Wait! You didn't write your name on the application idiot." She hands me back the application with a pen.

I really am an idiot.

I sign my name.

"We'll call you if Mr. Wang approves you for a interview." She informs.

"Really? He's in charge?"

She nods her head.

"MR. WANG! CHOOSE ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs in thin air.

The woman at the front desk laughs at me again.

"You're hilarious. If you do get this job, look for Mai." She wipes her eyes.

"Mai? Is that you?"

"Yep." She smiles.

"I'm Mark." I smile too.

"Go on Mark before someone else sees you." She waves me off with a grin.

"Bye Mai!" I wave goodbye to here and I run out the building.

Hehehe. Her name rhymes with bye.

(((((((: heey
Will Mark get the job?
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