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Mark POV

"Bye! Have a nice day!" I wave to the white-haired elderly woman.

"Look at you, pro cashier." Mr. Taehyung leans against the counter.

"I'm not as pro as you but thank you!" A smile spreads across my face.

Mr. Taehyung and I go into the breakroom for our break. Mr. Jungkook and Mr. Yoongi are already there.

"Sup fool." Mr. Taehyung pats Mr. Jungkook's back.

"Whatever." Mr. Jungkook looks kind of angry. Are they fighting?!

"Be friends! Don't fight, love each other!" I shout unconsciously.

They stare at me confused. Then, Mr. Taehyung laughs.

"We're not fighting, Mark. He's just...sore." Mr. Taehyung answers earning a smack from Mr. Jungkook.

"Sore from what?"

"Sex." Mr. Yoongi mumbles beside me.

Ohhh. Because of that?

"Don't worry, Mr. Jungkook. I was sore because of that too." I wink.

The three men begin to choke on their lunches. Scared and worried, I ask if they're okay.

"We're fine. It's just had sex Mark?" Mr. Taehyung asks, bewildered.

"Yep!" I can officially be considered an adult now. Right?


"No way."

"That's plausible."

All of their reactions are significantly different.

"I could tell. You have this glow to you now." Mr. Yoongi's hands gestures to my face. My face is glowing?

"I'm shook." Jungkook looks completely surprised.

"Did you like it?" Mr. Taehyung asks.

"Mhm." I nod my head yes, my cheeks burning a little.

"If innocent Mark can score someone, what the hell am I doing wrong?" Mr. Yoongi grumps beside me.

"Being lifeless." Mr. Jungkook answers him.

"You right."

"So, Mark." Mr. Taehyung turns to me. "You seriously did it? In all honesty?"

"In all honesty, Jackson and I played duck up the butt." I salute.

"Duck up the butt?" Mr. Taehyung laughs.

"Duck up the butt? I think that's the Mark version of 'dick up the butt'." Mr. Yoongi chuckles.

"You're so innocent." Mr. Jungkook stares at me like a parent, as if I'm a child who broke the rules for the first time.

"If dick is called duck, what's cum? White rain?" Mr. Taehyung jokes.

I think for a moment while twirling my chopsticks in my hand. Then, I answer:

"Duck sauce."

Mr. Jungkook spits his water up, the liquid coming out of his mouth like a sprinkler. Mr. Taehyung shouts loudly then he caves over and laughs loudly. Mr. Yoongi's gummy smile shines as he laughs deeply.

Was it funny? I was just being honest...

"Should it not be duck sauce? It kind of looks like ranch." I suggest.

"Ranch!" Mr. Taehyung falls on the ground while laughing.

"I can't breath!" Mr. Jungkook continues to laugh.

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