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Mark POV

"How'd it go?" Jinyoung shuts his apartment door behind him.

"Great! I'll totally get the job!" I fake.

"Really?" Jinyoung sits on the couch beside me.

"Yep...why were you gone for so long?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"I was at my job. Oh wait. You don't have one? I'm sorry to even mention it." Jinyoung laughs when I hit his shoulder.

"I'll get a job punk!"


Just watch Jinyoung.  I, Mark Tuan will have an outstanding job that everyone in the world will wish they could have it.

Maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic but whatever.

Jinyoung's phone rings.

I flip through channels on his tv.

"You should buy a new tv Jinyoungie. This one is pretty trash."

"Shut up Mark. I'm on the phone." Jinyoung walks past me to his bedroom.

"Shut up Mark. I'm on the phone." I mimic him.

Soon my own phone rings. I may be broke but Tammy just paid my phone bill so I have a good month before I lose service and data.

"Yello. Mark Tuan is speaking." I giggle.

"Mark Tuan you have been summoned for an interview to receive a job title. The meeting will be held at 9:00am at RMFinacial, in Mr. Wang's office. Don't be late or the job offer is off. Thank you and have a good night." The low humming of my phone meets my ear.

I don't know if that was a message or an actual call.


"I DID IT! YES FISH! I DID IT!" I dance around Jinyoung's apartment.

"Mark! If you don't stop dancing I'll cut your hair off in your sleep!"

I stop dancing immediately.

"You're evil Jinyoung! EVIL!"

"Mark Tuan. Mark Yi-en Tuan." The old woman looks at me and at the paper she's holding.

"This is you?" The paper turns to face me and I see a picture of me from my highschool days. Gosh that's a bad picture.

"Um...yes. Years ago." I nod nervously.

"What happened? You went from handsome to trash." She snorts in laughter.

"Hey! That's mean! I'm still the same...I'm just.....dirty?" I don't know how to describe this attire.

"Well, let me call Mr. Wang. Make sure this isn't a ruse." She looks at me skeptically.

I'm not that bad. Tattered clothes, messy blond hair, I'm not that bad!

"Yeah okay. I'm sending him right now." She hangs up the phone.

"Okay kid. Take that elevator to the 20th floor and go to the only room on the floor. That's where Mr. Wang is waiting for you." She lazily points to the elevator.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I bow to the mean resting fish face, woman.

I hurry to the elevator. I click the twentieth button and I await my destiny.

There's a 99.999% of me getting this job. I'm really counting on that 1% to keep me strong.

The elevator dings and I step out.

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now