Katsura Kotaro

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Next addition to our family is the cutest, brightest and purest being I have encountered on any planet Zura. I still am jealous of that silky smooth and straight hair of his. I am the only person who is allowed to call him Zura but of course no one ever actually bothered especially Gin about him getting angry.

His parents passed away in a Government baffle. Some nobles embezzled their inheritance and he was left in rags. His grandmother raised him until she passed away when he was six. When my father and I were at my mother's tomb, there is a small figure over a tomb nearby hugging himself in the cold with a katana by his side. It was his grandmother's resting place. I looked at my father and he is smiling looking at that kid. He got up slowly and walked towards him. A slight pat on his shoulder and the kid woke up startled and about to draw his little sword but then I guess he heard my yelp he paused and looked over my dad's shoulder at me. He saw the hand spread before him, he hesitated for a minute but placed his little hand and walked along. It felt like my family expanded a little more.

My father asked for his name "Katsura Kotaro"

"Zura" said I

He looked at me with those dark doll eyes and smiled.

Later we came to know while eating that he was a scholarship student at a nearby military school but had quit due to immense pressure and bullying by the rich brats of that school even though his friend was defending him and fighting those bullies off instead his friend was getting into trouble with his family. So he decided on quitting the high-end school and has no idea what to do but he is not ready to quit being a samurai and protect his nation. He was there on that tomb past one week and god knows how he is sleeping or eating. Tears rolled down my eyes as I jumped over my father onto Zura and hugged him with all my might wishing to force all his pain away. We walked back to our home together and surprisingly Gintoki welcomed him with open arms which really is an out of character thing for him to do. Zura is really good with books and also others as well. He is not too much outgoing like the ass Gin but always do good and be good is his motto. But do not underestimate him cause of his soft nature and heard he is the best at sword and strategy but being alive and keeping alive comes first. I learned reading books with him. We always played together and I ran to him whenever and the day brightens up. Katsura restored peace in my life from that silver satan. That is Zura no no Katsura...

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