Chapter 1

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Arthur's body hit the floor, sprawled to the left of Gwaine's, the clang of the his chainmail armour hitting the forest floor rang out throughout the trees.

The priestess turned to Merlin, who lowered his hand slowly, the gold engulfing his usual bright oceanic blue eyes. The woman had an unreadible expression on her face, but one may have interpreted it as one of surprise or intrigue.

"So, Emrys, you would willingly give your life in place of the Pendragon boy?" she rasped, and watched the look of pure concentration and determination on the boys face.

"I am." He began to step forward before a strong hand grabbed his arm.

It was Lancelot, of course.

"Merlin, no. Please don't do this. I'm begging you," desperation was evident in his tone, he knew he would have no chance against Merlin if he chose to use his magic against him, in order to sacrifice himself.

Merlin turned to face him and offered him a soft smile, "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Trust me, Lancelot."

With that, he snatched the sword out of Lancelot's loose grip and walked confidently towards the high priestess.

"You wanted a blood offering?" he questioned as raised the tip of the sword off the ground and placed in his plam,

"You'll get one."

Lancelot almost cried out as he watched the scene unfold, wanting to race towards Merlin until he saw what he had done.

The dark haired man had sliced his left hand open deeply, letting the blood to pool up in his palm before offering it to wretched woman.

"This is what you wanted, right? Not death, not sacrifice, not murder. Blood."

The priestess blinked at the warlock, as his eyes shone a bright gold once more. She gave a harsh, almost mirthful cackle and turned her gaze back on the boy in front of her.

"In all my millennia, young warlock, I have never known one to truly bend my rules," she yelled at the boy.

The blood began dripping down Merlin's wrist towards his jacket sleeve, in rivers of dark red as the light of the setting sun hit it.

"So do we have a deal or not!?" Merlin shouted back, his vision going black at the edges, due to the rapid blood loss. Lancelot watched him wobble at the knees.

The witch seemed to contemplate it for a second before laughing and stepping towards him,

"I don't think so, Emrys. I'm here for noble blood. I'm here for the once and future king."

Merlin hissed as his wound continued to drip. The sword he was holding was ripped from his hand and Lancelot was thrown back against a tree.

Merlin dropped to his knees, whispering the words of the Old Religion. He could feel his magic bubbling away under his skin, flowing through his veins. Suddenly the priestess was engulfed in raging blue flames.

As her screams died down and she fell to the floor, Merlin's eyes returned to their natural ocean colour and he carefully rose to his feet.

Merlin began to the walk back sluggishly to the edge, as the knocked out knights began to rouse. Lancelot met him half way there and wrapped his arms around his back, careful to avoid his still bleeding cut.

When Merlin pulled back out of the hug, he noticed the rest of the knights watching them, confusion etched on their faces. They all noticed look the of exhaustion and pain in merlin's eyes.

"What happened?" Arthur spoke cautiously, eyeing the two men.

Lancelot stepped forward, still clutching the boys jacket to hold him up and began to explain how the priestess had knocked all the knights outs. Merlin relaxed under his touch, his eyelids fluttering closed.

Merlin's injuries could no longer hold out and his body fell limp in Lance's arms.

Percival stepped forward to remove the boys neckerchief to use as a makeshift bandage, carefully wrapping around Merlin's hand. The wound was tended too as best as they could at the moment.

Slowly Merlin's eyes began to open and he saw the moisture in Arthur's eyes, standing no more than a foot away from him. He somehow looked terrified and furious at the same time. Merlin reached for his face, with his uninjured hand, to brush away the stray tear which was persistent in its journey down the King's cheeks.

A groan from beside their feet broke the moment, Merlin's arm snapping down to it's side. It was Gwaine.

"So," the man rasped from his place of the floor as he rubbed his sore head, "What did I miss?"

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