پانچھوا باب

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Kashif sighed as he saw the list of works that had to be done. From polishing all the cutlery to getting the bedrooms ready. So much to do such less time.

Kashif was a greedy man. He did not like to spend money on things he deemed useless. One of those things being his illegitimate child , Safa. The thought of having to hire more workers was not settling well with him. His wife was his best advisor. He had asked for her suggestion and what she told him was genius. Having Safa brought over for her "brothers" wedding would ensure her help. She would be emotionally blackmailed into working hard. However, when he sent his son , her brother , Ali , he found out she has been taken to the palace. Hence the reason for his arrival in order to convince her to come to their residence in Lahore.
Alina awaited the arrival of her lover. The small room was dusty. Paint chipping off the walls , rusted doors and broken windows. In place of curtains pieces of ripped cloth were hung to provide the privacy that was needed. Her back bone hurt from lying on the hay bed for too long. And yet she was ready to have her bones ache just for her lovers sake. The sandy floor made her uncomfortable for she had been raised in a palace where the floor was marble not loose sand that made your feet dirty.

Alina silently grabbed the cup of tea her lover pushed towards her sipping slowly from the wooden mug with sharp edges. The wood splinters occasionally making home in her soft lips. Her bones ached sweetly as she blushed remembering the events that occurred a few hours ago. Aline knew she would not be caught for she made sure that no one saw her as she left her quarters. As they say
"Ignorance is bliss."
Rahila felt restless. Her heart thumped loudly as she moved to and fro the huge room. The henna ceremony was to begin in a few minutes but the bride was missing. A small number of troops hand been dispatched to find Alina and bring her before the grooms family arrived.

The matriarch of the family eyed the henna girl , Safa, she never trusted people like her. Third grade people who lusted after the men of other women for money. She had refused to have her apply the mehndi on the hands of the princess but failed miserably to do so.
The banquet hall was decorated luxuriously. From top to bottom the room was covered in green , yellow and peach. The ground covered in a soft maroon rug brought from Kashmir. Small cushions were littered across the room and a stage had been set up for the dancers to perform on. The maids handed out drinks to the attendants occasionally bringing some sea food as well. On one side was a huge table set for food. Meat and chicken had been prepared in hundreds of different ways. The high ceilings and tall windows allowed the light to pass through and create a magical atmosphere. Every eye in the room looked around with amazement and commended the designers who had decorated the place.

Safa was worried about the young girl. She rushed around the palace looking for her brothers to be wife. As she entered the stables she saw a shadow of two people. Wearing their birth suits only. It was none other than the princess and a random man. Shocked Safa gasped louldly. The woman turned and realized she had been caught red handed. Alina knew what had to he done.

Alina wore her outfit and rushed to Safa. Ripping her clothing apart from the seams and throwing her in the arms of Badar. Before the two could recover from their shocked trance , Alina called for the guards and told them she had seen Safa and Badar engaging in pre marital sex.

Seeing her honor questioned Safa was heart broken. All her life she had been punished for the crimes of others and it had happened again.
Aahil sat in his court room. The guilty people infront of him. In his empire having sex before marriage was a huge sin. He listened to the advice of his people. Some telling him death sentence or forced marriage. But the suggestion of the Nawab of Bengal made most sense.

"King Aahil , perhaps you do not know. But let me tell you this girl is the daughter of a huge slut. Perhaps the best way to punish her would be to make her a court dancer."

Aahil agreed with the suggestion and asked one of the kaniz to dress her up like one. And then bring her to the mehndi ceremony.

Safa's hands worked like robots. She was feeling numb. The stain on her character shattered her soul completely. Her hands worked into braiding her into a bun. She looked at herself. Wearing a deep blue frock. The finest outfit she had ever worn. Her pazeb made the sounds of clinking with every step taken.

She reached the stage. As soon as the first notes of the sitar began to play her feet started to move with the rhythm. Her frock flowed around her She lost herself in the moment not caring about a single thing. Her hands moved and it looked as if she were a beautiful swan. There was such fluidity in her movements that everyone's breath was stolen. She danced and danced till her feet began to ache.

When Safa made way to get of the stage all men in attendance whistled at her and threw money as if she were a third grade whore.
The next morning Alina was wed to Ali in a grand ceremony. As they made way to Bengal , Alina realized the consummation was necessary now for she could be pregnant with the child of Badar and to save her honour she wanted people to think it was Ali's.

But how can one live with peace when they have destroyed the life of an innocent? And if the court of King Aahil didn't see the truth , the highest court , the court of Allah knows everything and will serve justice.

In this world or perhaps in the hereafter. Justice will always be served by Allah.

So pray Alina. Pray for your forgiveness. For he is Oft-Forgiving.

1. Sitar : an old subcontinent musical instrument
2: kaniz : female maids

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