Chapter 12: Gut Feeling

Start from the beginning

"Alright, you ain't got to be making up lies now, I understand you in to me, and have sexual feelings toward me, but I know Tj and he wouldn't be messing around on me," I said walking over to my desk

"Jason I would never lie to you, I've seen it on multiple occasions, but I ain't never say anything cause it ain't my place, but I can't just keep letting my feelings for you pass by, and not tell you how I feel," he said grabbing by the waist turning me towards him

We were now chest to chest. I could literally feel the warmth of his body transfer to me, the blood rushing through his veins leading to his hands, as he had a firm grip around my waist. His eyes were glistening in the light as I could see the truth through them. We stood like this for a good minute, soft breaths escaping our lips...

As I went to go move, he then tightened his grip, pulled me in closer, and crashed his lips onto mine. His lips were sooo juicy, I could taste the Carmax, as our lips moved in perfect sync. I hate to say it, but this nigga could kiss, the way he sucked on my bottom lip sent chills down my spine. I haven't felt this in a minute.

As I got weak in the knees and was a second from throwing him back on the bed and ripping his fucking clothes off, I broke out of the trance he had me in.

"Derek! I can't, this has went to far. I have a boyfriend. This was not supposed to happen," I said backing away from him

"Jason please! You know you felt that, that was real, what you just experienced was the love and passion I have for. I don't know what kinda of spell you put on me, but I have never felt this way before, and I can't stop the feeling," he said pulling me back in for a kiss

I broke the kiss again. "Derek please, this is too much right now, to many emotions are going on right now, I need you to leave..." I said pointing towards the door

"You forreal right now, I need you Jason," he said stepping closer

"Derek go! I need time to think, and you standing infront of me right now is not helping," I said looking away from him

"Well you know where you can find me," he said kissing me on the check again before existing

I closed my door immediately and jumped face first onto my bed. I literally screamed in my pillow, what felt like forever. So many emotions and thoughts was going through my mind right now. It felt like my brain was going to explode. I couldn't stop the inner thoughts from flowing.

I got up from my bed and sent Tj a text saying we needed to talk.

I made my way to the bathroom when I ran into Jay'Shawn

"What the hell is going on! First Derek run into me when I'm walking in the door and now you. Something fishy is happening," he said giving me that, "Nigga spill the beans" look

"Bitch come in my room," I said grabbing him by the arm

"Spill it!" He said getting in my bed sitting criss cross applesauce.

"Ok! So.. I really don't even know where to start!" I said putting my head in my lap

"Nigga Start somewhere, this is obviously good," he said grinding from ear to ear

"This shit ain't funny, it's stressful as hell!" I said throwing a pillow at him

"Ok Ok, give it to me piece by piece,"

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