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My chuckle were turning white for how tightly I was holding the steering . I was fucking mad . I was furious .

that fucking shit I will surely made him pay .

Todays event had been very hard for me to shake it off mine mind . being the CEO of the most famous enterprise I had learned enough to mask my feelings and to act ruthlessly .

This world is full of evil and there is no place for angles . every thing you want you have to snatch it from others . and this is how this cruel world works .

life has never been easy for me and the result of which is the outcome of my current state Casanova, ruthless , heartless, and a monster are few names that people refer me as.

I can't say I am proud of it but I can't deny it .

But todays it was different very different for me to act in such a way and I wasn't even able to stop myself .

I was literally burning in range for that man trying to flirt with caden.

how much ever I try I cant shake those green eyes out of my mind , her eyes ,her angelic voice , her beauty all are so captivating that it makes me "feel" and to "feel" is something that I don't do .

From ever since I remember I had always been lonely and left out . I had never felt protective or caring for any one after my "Princess"....

But now my resolve are crushing down just a look at her and all the unwanted feelings swell up my heart unable to express .

I was ok being alone or left out I felt at peace but now my heart seek for her attention .

I no longer wanted to be alone but needed a companion .some one I can hold close to my heart and never let go.

I chuckled to my self entering my lonely mansion , yes I never call it a home because home is a place where you have your family .

and I am a man without one.

For me my home is caden just her presence made me feel at home

I straight away went to my bar and took my favorite bottle of whiskey . loosing my tie and dumping my coat I fold up my sleeve and took a seat pouring my self some drink .

I sat there getting drunk and remembering the fortunate day I meet my angel my caden .

The first time I say caden was about a month back in California .

Just a look and I was swept off my feet . my heart flattened by just a look at her innocent existence .

My mind had captured her smiling face and had no intention of removing it . her eyes so captivating and innocent , her voice a melody , her lips like soft petals , her feature so mesmerizingly beautiful.

"beautiful" a dry chuckle left my throat . The word "beautiful" feel foreign to me ever since I lost "my princess" and years since I got familiar with words such as " beautiful" .

Caden's sudden entry in my life has changed all my plans .

How much ever I try to shake her off the closer destiny pulls us together .

"Destiny " i found myself laughing bitterly .

Today i must have gone mad for me to pounder upon such useless thoughts .

"Destiny" .. i just gulp down my whiskey smiling to myself .

Caden had changed me even without her or my knowledge . i had the urge to change myself to better for her . i want to be that someone she wished to spend her life with .

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