Chapter 7: Singing

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Annie's POV

I wake up in Asher's arms with him playing with my hair. I turn around and Asher is just smiling. I set up and go to the guest room. Which I guess is now my room. I take a shower and start getting ready. Today Asher and I have a meeting about the music video with the director. Right after I have an audition for this youtube channel named "Brat". 

*Time Skip*

We just got done with the meeting about the music video and turns out we are shooting it in an airport. He also told us that we would have to kiss at some point during the video. Now we're heading towards the Brat office. 

Ash- Is this your first audition?

Anns- Actually, yeah.

Ash- Well there's nothing to worry about. They usually tell you to sing, so pick a song that you're really comfortable with. 

Anns- Got it. Well we're here. I'm nervous.

Ash- Don't you'll be amazing.

I go in for the audition and I read from the script and they told me to sing something. I think of the song I sing all the time, Your Hands by JJ Heller. They told me that I did great. I go out to Asher and tell him.

Ash- Well, let's hope you get a call back.

Anns- Let's hope.

We get back in the car and head back to the house. I go to the kitchen and make a snack. I see Asher turn on Netflix, so I go over and sit next to him.

Anns- What're we watching?

Ash- Um...Let's watch the new season of Stranger Things.

Anns- Never seen Stranger Things.

Ash- What? You've never seen Stranger Things?

Anns- Yeah. My parents never let me. They always said it was too scary.

Ash- Well now we're having a Stranger Things marathon.

Anns- Okay then.

Asher turns on Stranger Things and I automatically get obsessed with it. 

*Time Skip*

We just finished season one at 6 am. I've never stayed up thins long before, so I fall asleep after the last episode. I lay my head on Asher's shoulder and pass out. I have the dream again, but different. This time at the end I'm holding a baby girl, not a boy. I get woken up by Asher shaking me. Then I say another name when I wake up.

Ash- Anns wake up.

Anns- Aubrie..Angel.

Ash- Annie.. did you have the dream again?

Anns- Yeah, but I wasn't holding a boy... I was holding a girl.

Ash- Why does our mind like to do this to us?

Anns- I don't know.

After I say that Ash kisses my cheek and gets up.

Ash- Well what do you want for breakfast?

Anns- I would kill for some waffles right now.

Ash- One waffle coming right up!

Asher starts making a waffle and I make some tea. I sit on the counter and just talk to Asher. We both started flirting a bit and we both start blushing. I get off the counter and I eat my waffle and Asher eats his. I'm so happy.

A/N: I'm so sorry I missed posting. I had a mini writing block and my family and I have been traveling a little.

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