Chapter 4: Bisexual?

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Annie's POV

Asher just abruptly hung up on me on facetime. I decide to give Hayley my phone while I take a shower. I get out of the shower thinking about Asher the enire time and how he had a girlfriend the entire time. I can't complain either, I've been in a relationship. Who you may ask? My girlfriend is Jayden Bartels. Her and I found out we were bisexual in 5th grade and became friends over that. We got really close and started developing feelings for each other and she asked me out. I, of course, said yes and me and her have been girlfriends since the day after I had my date with Hayden, which was about a month ago.  She came out to her parents last year and they both accepted her as she is. I still haven't came out to my parents yet. I just keep thinking of the worst possible situations and talk myself out of it. When I started talking to Asher it felt like , I don't know, like me and Jayden never existed. I decide to text Jayden when I get my phone back from Hayley. She tells me that Asher wanted me to text him immediately. Shit! She knows about Asher! I'll have to ask her about it later though.

Anns- Hey babe you doing anything today?

Jay- No, can I come over?

Anns- Sure! It's only me and Hayley.

Jay- Okay be over in 5

I quickly change into a white crop top and some black leggings. I already know that she'll want to go to the mall. Another 2 minutes pass and Jayden barges through my bedroom door. She sees me and kisses me.

Jay- Why are you so dressed up?

Anns- You mean in casual clothes?

Jay- Whatever. Do you want to go to the mall?

Called it.

Anns- Sure. I think Hayley wants to stay with one of the friends today, so we can drop her off on the way to the mall.

Jay- Okay let's go!

All of a sudden I hear a ringing and I look at my phone. It's Asher wanting to facetime.

Jay- Who's Asher?

Anns- One of my friends. I don't have to pick up.

Jay- No, go ahead we have time.

Anns- Okay.

I answer the phone and he immediately puts all his attention on Jayden.

Ash- Who's that?

Then Jayden looks at who I picked up the phone to and goes all fangirl.

Jay- OMG! Asher Angel.. You're friends with ASHER ANGEL?

Anns- Yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you.

Jay- It's fine I still love you.

Jayden then kisses me. I look at Asher and he looks heartbroken. Did he have feelings for me? He starts tearing up and covering his face. Jayden doesn't even notice. She just thought he had something in his eyes.

Ash- I'll be back. I need to go use the bathroom.

He gets up and leaves and I turn to Jayden.

Anns- Can you go help Hayley pack? She wants to spend the night and is terrible at packing.

Jay- On it!

She kisses me one more time and goes to Hayley's room. Asher comes back into frame and he still has tears in his eyes.

Ash- You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.

Anns- Yeah Jayden and I started dating last month.

Ash- Oh! 

Anns- Yeah.

Ash- Well I was going to tell you something, but I guess it isn't important anymore..

Then he goes to end the facetime, but I yell.

Anns- No! Don't end the facetime.

Ash- Why? I know that you're bi and have a girlfriend. It's not impor-

Anns- I like you too.

Ash- What? You have a girlfriend.

Anns- I know. When you and I talk it's like Jayden and I never existed. I was going to brake up with her today. Then tell you how I feel. 

Little did I know Jayden and Hayley finished packing early and Jayden heard everything. She opens up the door and comes over to me. She slaps me across the face and flips me off. 

Jay- We're over!

I honestly was happy she did that. Then I turn back to Asher.

Anns- I guess we both got broken up with over facetime.

Then we both start laughing. God I wish we didn't live 3,000 miles apart.

Ash- Well you know that I'm a singer, right?

Anns- Yeah, I mean, that's all you talk about.

Ash- Well, I guess, that's true, but I need a girl in my next music video, so would you want to be in it?

Anns- Yes! Of course!

Ash- Well I'll get my parents to talk to yours.

Anns- We'll finally get to meet!

Ash- I know!

Anns- When do we start filming?

Ash- In about 3 weeks and you'll get flown out in 2 weeks.

Anns- Okay! I'm so excited!

Ash- Same!

Anns- Well it's getting late I'm going to drop Hayley off at her friend's house then go to sleep.

Ash- Okay goodnight Anns.

Anns- Goodnight Ash

I hang up on Asher and drive over to Piper's, Hayley's friend's, house. I get home and go to sleep and I have that weird dream again. 

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