(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一(12)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, and letting Sohee come in here while you're lounging on my bed would have been a fantastic idea. You could have gotten us both in trouble again," I say in frustration.

He stands up. "It's funny, I didn't take you as the risk-averse type."

I bite my lower lip. "Normal risk? I'm all in. Death risk? Not a chance."

Sehun steps past me and locks my bedroom door, and I immediately realize my mistake. I willingly sen Sohee away, which means I'm now alone with him when I have every reason to be suspicious of him.

He raises his eyebrows, and I'm guessing that my nervousness at being locked in this room must show on my face. "Then what are you doing at this school? Our entire lives are a death risk."

Sehun is standing so close I could count every one of his eyelashes if I wanted to. And when I hold breath for a second too long, I'm positive he notices.

"You know what I mean," I say in the steadiest voice I can summon.

"No, I really don't."

I look  from him to the locked door and back again. "Why are you even here, Sehun?"

"Sejeong made it clear to me that I had to take responsibility for asking you to meet me last night." His expression actually looks sincere for a moment, not like he's trying to charm me or analyze me.

I feel an immature twinge of relief that Sejeong's also mad at him and not just at me.

We stare at each other for a few seconds.

"Did she tell you that I found Taehyung?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"She did."

"Please tell me you didn't repeat that to Kang." I can hear the fear in my voice and I'm sure he can, too.

He hesitates for a second before answering. "The only thing I told Kang was that we were both in such a rush I didn't see which why you went."

I exhale. "I said essentially the same thing."

"I know you did. I could tell by her expression," he says.

I shake my head. "I'm a little jealous of you right now. You know these people. You know how to be strategic in a situation like this. And here I am left spewing half-truths and blabbering confusion to get through it." I rub my forehead near my eyebrow.

He considers my words. "I'm pretty sure I know most of what you said, and you didn't do as badly as you think you did."

"How do you know I think I did badly?"

"Are you saying I'm wrong?"

"No, I'm saying you're annoyingly right."

"The way you just touched your forehead."

I stop fidgeting. "What?"

He imitates my gesture. "This. You did it with your fingers out, shielding your eyes. It's often linked with the shame of lying - metaphorically trying to hide yourself from being looked at."

My eyes widen. "Doesn't it get old always knowing what people are thinking? Don't you want to be surprised sometimes?"

He scans my face. "The third mark I got was for conspiring to date another student. Now that was a surprise."

"Oh, shoot," I say, and laugh, even though there is nothing funny about this situation. "Yeah, well, telling them I was breaking the rules because you are attractive seemed less likely to cause a tizzy than telling them I wanted to learn as much as I could about other students."

Let's Kill Her (Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now