(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一(11)

ابدأ من البداية

(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一

Yoo leads me back to Kang's office. I take a seat in the armchair in front of Kang's desk while Yoo settles into a chair near the wall, his folder and pen at the ready. The fireplace is ablaze with crackling and snapping wood - a familiarity that would usually find comforting. But the coldness in Kang's and Yoo's expressions and the heavy stillness suck any sense of comfort out of the room.

We all sit there silently for so long that I wonder if this horrible moment somehow got frozen in time.

"So . . . ," Kang finally says. "You left your room last night after curfew, Suzy."

My pulse throbs in my temples and my stomach twists uncomfortably. I've always been good in conversations with principals and deans. And I've definitely been in trouble enough to know my way around them. But that was back when the worse thing that could happen to me was suspension, not an eye-for-an-eye punishment system. "Yes, I did."

Kang folds her hands on her desk. "And a student is dead."

"I know."

"How do you know?"

I hesitate. "You just told us in the assembly."

"Hmm," she says, and Yoo takes notes.

I immediately regret my answer. I feel like I'm not only sweating all over her office, but that every single thought I'm having is knowable by her. The only tactic I really have is to take Sejeong's advice. "Wait a moment. You don't think I had anything to do with what happened, do you?"

"Oh, don't I?" Kang says, and gives me a warning look.

"You read people or analyze them - you both do." I wave my hand to include Yoo. "And I know I'm new. But if you're any reader of character, you know without a shadow of a doubt that I didn't do it."

"Don't you dare suppose that I know or what I don't," Kang says.

"Don't you remember what happened with Jungkook? I didn't even want to hit him in the face. You practically had to threaten me to get me to retaliate. If I'm uncomfortable punching someone, killing a person is an impossibility."

Kang purses her lips and sits back in her chair. "Actually, if you planned to attack Taehyung, the very first thing you might do is create a situation meant to illustrate how non-aggressive you are."

I try to adjust my position, but there's no place to shift to and I just wind up looking more agitated than I did a few seconds before. "I wouldn't even be able to think of that, much less -"

"Enough," Kang says, and her words is like a slap, which at least tells me that naivete muct be convincing enough to frustrate her. "What were you doing out of your room last night?"

My heart races. There's no way around it. "I was meeting Sehun," I answer.


"In the vine courtyard."

She pauses a moment. "Why?"

I cringe reflexively. I'm in murky freaking waters right here. "To find out more about the school."

"You were told that anything you need to know about the school, you could ask Sejeong."

"I . . . well . . ."

"Unless you mean to learn more about the students, which I have already told you is strictly forbidden." Her tone harshens and she leans forward.

"I just . . . wanted to learn more about what the school is really like." Here we go.

Let's Kill Her (Book #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن