Demon world?

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"Excuse me..." I kind of whispered to a giant, bold guy who was about to walk through a door in a building.

"Hmm?" He looked down at me. His eyes narrowed towards me before they widened up. "A human..." he whispered to himself.

"Umm..." I backed away. Seeing the look in his eyes gave me a bad feeling. "N-nevermind...I'll be on my way.."

I didn't know if he had heard my last words or not, but after watching him take out his phone, dail a number then put the phone to his ears, I was on my guard.

"Boss, there is a human he-..." Hearing the word 'Boss' was enough to get me running down the road. I didn't even dare to look back after hearing a bunch of other footsteps chasing behind me, almost catching up to me. I was running like my life was depending on it. wait, let me scratch that, my life DID depend on it!

I avoided all of the hands that tried to grab me and turned over a corner and into an alley way. I never ran like this before. In fact, this is like the first time in forever. At home, all I did was play video games with my friends, do homework if I felt like it, eat, read comics and manga or read stories sometimes, take a nap and be lazy all day. My every day life was AMAZING to say the least. Not having anyone to Boss me around, I can do whatever I want. I get money sent by my favourite uncle.

He is rich. Owns a couple of companies and is still planning on building other ones or  just buy them from people. He is like a father to me. Even though I live alone and all, and I have the best life ever, I was taught to have manners when I'm outside, not to curse or do anything that is not "lady-like" or something. I don't really care about "manners" if I'm around my friends or alone.

I somehow ended up in front of a sign but before reading it, I tried to catch my breath.


The sound of stomping can be heard from a mile. It didn't take me a second before I started running again. I couldn't read the sign but I did have a glance at it before I took off.


Est? Wait, what?

I almost tripped and fell but I caught myself just in time and continued running. I had to stop, but I knew that if i did, all of my hardwork of running will be wasted.

I need to hide somewhere...but where?! This place is HUGE! where am I...?

I was out of breath. My sprinting was turning to jogging before it turned to walking. I felt like vomiting. I never imagined myself running like this. It feels like I'm in the middle of a marathon.

And I hate it...

Cheers of a crowd was heard. I went towards the crowd, using almost all of the energy that is left in me. I moved between the crowds and after seeing a guy with a stripped shirt, white hair and a stick in his hand, I thought that I was saved.

He looked right at me as I was almost in front of him. My legs were shaking, a lot. I could fall any second now but I held myself.

"H-....he...lp..." I couldn't talk properly and since I was at my limits, i fell.

The white-haired guy wrapped an arm around my waist after pushing the stick, that was in his hand, into the ground, making it stand up. His other hand helped him adjust me in his arms so he could hold me Stabley. After he was done, he placed a hand behind my head. He was standing on one knee. My body was above the ground. A few centimetres of space was between me and the ground.

Everyone looked towards us in complete utter shock, especially the two guys that were standing really close to him. It was silence.

I was huffing and puffing, my breathing was unstable. It was almost the only thing everyone can hear. A few moments later, I had enough energy to open my eyes and talk a little properly. I didn't even notice that I have closed my eyes until I opened them.

Another Human (Wolf x Reader x Staz)Where stories live. Discover now