Staz Charlie Blood

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I was opening my eyes slowly, waking up, and my gaze was met with a wall. My eyes narrowed before tilting my head to the other side. I saw two figures, standing in front of each other, talking. They shook hands before one of them went into a frame portal.

"B-bell...?" I whispered. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"You finally woke up."

"Huh...?" My view stopped being blurry and I could, finally, see well. I looked towards a TV that was on and a controller that was on the ground. I, then, moved my gaze all around the room. It didn't take me a second before I gasped and backed away.

The vampire was sitting on the other end of the bed, while I was at the other end of the bed, at the corner.

"You are..." I forgot his name.

"You don't remember my name?" He looked irritated as he asked the question. I slowly replied with a nod. He sighed before pointing at himself with his thumb.

"I'm staz. Staz Charlie Blood...remember that." He said before grabbing the controller that was on the ground.

"Am your-"

"Bedroom?" He cut me off. "Yeah, and in my territory." He sat down on the ground then started playing.

I didn't move from my spot. I kept on watching his every move before slowly creeping out of bed.

I should get out of here...I don't want him to drink me dry...

I stayed in my place, sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at his back. Standing up as slowly as I can, I started making my way towards the door.

Slowly...slowly...don't get caught or you'll regret it...slowly...slow-

My eyes widened when I looked back to check up on him, and he wasn't there. I stopped, afraid to move. I took quiet deep breaths before turning my head towards the door.

I screamed when I found his face so close to mine and backed away quickly. I tripped on his controller and fell on the ground.

"Trying to escape, hmm?" He asked, smirking towards me.

I couldn't speak. My mouth opened but my voice wouldn't come out.

"Not gonna say shit, are we now?" He was angry. Really angry.

He crouched down and grabbed my ankle before pulling me towards him. I squeaked when he was, now, on top of me. My eyes were still widened in shock, but they soon started to fill with fear.

I closed my eyes.

Wolf...where are you..? You said you'll protect!!

"You look so cute when you're scared~" he teased. My eyes snapped open. Soon after, I started to struggle to get from underneath him and away from him.


Bell heard me and said, "they fought each other in a boxing match and staz almost zipped wolf."

"Zipped? As in the zipper in a jacket or in pants?"

"It's when he uses his vampire powers and grabs someone's heart, then..." she holds up her hand before turning it into a fist really quick."BAM! He crushes your heart and you die!"

I looked at her, shocked. "W-who is that vampire to wolf...?"

"They are childhood friends, you could say, and best friends. Rivals, too!"

Another Human (Wolf x Reader x Staz)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum