Chapter Twenty-Five

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The dark orange sun dipped low behind the clouds, hidden by the horizon. Dark blue etched the sky, and a full silver moon peeked out from behind a cloud. A white tom with brown tabby patches stepped into the middle of the camp, moonlight dappling his fur.
"The cats who shall attend the Gathering will be me, Fawntail, Amberpaw, Frozenheart, Snowleap, and Sandheart. Heathermoon And Firepool also, of course," Harestar announced to the gathered cats around him of WindClan.
      Aspenrose turned to pad toward her den. Since she had arrived at WindClan, one season had passed. She hadn't gone to the previous Gatherings because, she believed, that Harestar didn't want to explain to the other Clans about her movement from ThunderClan to his Clan.
       Before Aspenrose could make it to the rock cleft, Fawntail was beside her. The black and white deputy placed her ginger-tipped tail upon Aspenrose's shoulders, and turned the cream she-cat to face her.
         "You'll be coming too, Aspenrose," Fawntail mewed politely. "You're WindClan's medicine cat apprentice, after all."
       Aspenrose felt joy surge through her, and she gave a thankful smile to her deputy. This is my home. Aspenrose looked around at her Clanmates, gazing at them each in turn. It always has been.
       Aspenrose halted abruptly, nearly running into nearby Sandheart. There was a slight hold up at the tree-bridge. RiverClan had just crossed and now ShadowClan were proceeding before WindClan. There was the slightest breeze in the air that warmed the cats's fur on this special night.
       The sky was a wonderful shade of bright blue, but fluffy clouds blotted out most of the stars, and the moon was barely visible behind its shield of clouds. WindClan's turn finally came to cross. ThunderClan had finally arrived, and waited patiently for their turn.
       Aspenrose was the last WindClan cat to cross, and the water below was dark blue and ripples appeared across the surface. Aspenrose proceeded carefully across the tree, but her paw-hold slipped and she felt herself sliding over the edge. Some cat put their shoulder to her's just at the right moment, preventing her from tumbling into the blue depths below.
       Aspenrose made her way across to jump down awkwardly into the sand of the island. She turned to see who had helped her, and felt her chest grow tight. A familiar black and ginger tabby stood before her, amber eyes full of warmth and longing for her kit.
       Soon Cedarroar and Junipermoon had joined Kinkclaw, facing their sibling with mixed emotions. Cedarroar's deep blue eyes were heavy with regret, and he didn't meet her gaze. Junipermoon flexed his claws, and he looked nervous, almost uncomfortable. Kinkclaw's gaze was full of pain. She dismissed her other sons with a wave of her tail.
       Cedarroar and Junipermoon padded by, without a word to Aspenrose.
       "How are things in WindClan?" Kinkclaw asked curiously.
I followed my heart, like you told me, she wanted to say. But she remembered her promise to herself. "Fine. Everything's fine."

       When Aspenrose turned away from her mother she felt herself tremble inside. She met the gaze of another familiar cat and tried to avoid her, but she waved her black-striped tail invitingly.
        The white she-cat's green gaze glowed in excitement. "Hello, Aspenrose," Birchpaw mewed.
       "Hi, Birchpaw," Aspenrose replied. She felt herself grow increasingly uncomfortable as the cat beside Birchpaw went rigged. The gray tom had grown a lot since the last time Aspenrose had seen him.
         She met his gaze. Aspenrose felt surprise wash over her; his amber were heavy with sorrow and guilt.
She was snapped back into reality when Birchpaw pipped up. "Actually, we're warriors now," she stated proudly. "Birchripple and Graypond."
       Aspenrose dipped her head respectfully. Before she could turn to leave, Graypond nudged Birchripple away. Reluctantly, Birchripple retreated.
      Graypond met Aspenrose's gaze. "Aspenrose," he begin. Aspenrose felt as if she was in that memory again.
It was night. She followed the warrior and his apprentice. He raised a paw, claw's catching the glint from the silver moon.
       Aspenrose could almost feel the pain in her shoulder where her scar was hidden beneath her soft fur. She turned away before her could finish, overwhelmed with feelings. She thought she caught his words in her ear. "I'm sorry."
       But she mostly wasn't paying attention to him anymore. A black pelt caught her gaze; his bright blue eyes piercing her fur, full of disappointment. Her father turned his back on her.

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