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"When is your birthday?"

I look up from my phone and up at the ceiling "2nd of August" I say

"Really?" She asks sounding surprised

"Yeah. When's yours?"

"3rd of August" she says with a laugh and I sit up

"Shut up, are you serious?" I ask, a huge grin on my face and she nods

"Yeah" she says with a smile

"I think we're really destined together" I tease shifting closer to her

"Should we just get married?" She asks and I grab a pen from the table before kneeling on the bed, in front of her

"Will you, Bunny Adams make me, Hailey Denver the happiest woman on earth and be my wife?" I ask stretching out the pen for her to take

"Is that the ring?" She asks with a laugh and I nod


"No" she says and I raise a brow

"No? Why not?" I ask with a pout

"I don't do side chicks" she says and my mouth falls open as I'm taken aback

"Bitch, I'll smack you" I say as she starts laughing, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me down to the bed with her

"What?" I ask, a shy smile on my face when she says nothing and just stares at me like I'm a priceless possession of hers

"Nothing. I'm just happy I'm with you" she says

"How happy?" I ask with a smile

"Extremely. So happy that it makes my heart pound so fast, it feels like its going to rip right out of my chest" she says softly, her fingers brushing away the hair that had fallen down on my face as I laid down.

"I love you" I say and a smile frames her face

"Aw..that's what my other girlfriend said" she says

"Bunny!" I exclaim pulling on her cheek and she starts laughing

"Sorry, sorry" she says and I just glare playfully at her

"I'm going to leave you and date a French woman instead" I say

"You're going to get a French musician to sing my favourite song for me? You're so sweet" she says and I can't help the laugh that leaves my lips

"You're crazy"

"About you" she completes and a grin appears on my face

I push her hair behind her ear before pressing my lips against hers softly and she moans softly into the kiss, her hand finding its way under my shirt

"Not now" I say pulling away and taking her hand out of my shirt

"Why not?" She asks with a pout and I roll my eyes

"We have to plan" I say sitting up and she does so to

"Plan for what?"

"Our birthday, duh" I say "I wouldn't care to celebrate but since your birthday is a day after mine, we should just celebrate it together" I say and she nods with a smile

"Great idea" she says and I flip my hair with a smirk

"Well..." I say with a little sass and she chuckles, shaking her head at me

"So what do you have planned?" She asks picking more interest in the idea

"I don't know, what do you want to do on your birthday?"

"I'm not sure. I don't really celebrate my birthday" she says and I nod

"Paisley and some of my other friends usually just hang out on my birthday but we can't do that so we have to think of something else" I say

"On the count of three, we both say the first thing that comes to mind" she says and I raise a brow

"Brain triggers" she says and I nod


"One, two, three" she counts

"Three" "Cake" we say together and she raises a brow at me


"I wasn't ready!" I say and she just laughs at my lame excuse "again" I say and she nods

"Birthday thoughts okay?" She says

"I know" I say with an eye roll

"Just saying, you did say three..."

"I told you I wasn't ready!"

"Alright, alright. One, two, three" she counts again

"Beach" "Trip" we both say and I nod

"Not bad. Want to go on a trip?" I ask

"Only if you want to" she says with a smile

"But where to?"

"Oh, since you mentioned the beach, want to go to a resort by the beach?" She asks and my face lights up

"Really? I've never been to one" I say

"Let's go to one then. I'll take you to the best one yet" she says with a smile "What date is the first of August?" She asks

"Thursday" I say after thinking for a while

"Great. We'll leave on Thursday then and spend the 2nd and 3rd there. That is your birthday and mine and then we can come back on Sunday" she says and I nod with a smile

"I can't wait" I say

"Me too" she says pushing her hair behind her ear "It'd be fun spending time together"

"Wouldn't it?" I ask with a grin, getting excited just from the thought of it

"So now that we planned..." She starts and I raise a brow


"Lay down" she says already pulling me down to the bed and pressing her lips against mine.

"Bunny" I say with a laugh as she doesn't waste time in bringing her hand under my shirt

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Thu, Jul 4

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