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I'm addicted to you, hooked on your love
Like a powerful drug I can't get enough of


2nd month since meet✅

"Hailey, come on I really wasn't"

"Yes you were" I say crossing my arms over my chest

"I really wasn't" she says with a small laugh and I frown at her

"I saw you. You were staring at her ass!" I say and she covers her face with both her palms in an attempt to stop laughing before looking at me

"I wasn't staring at her ass. I was simply watching her leave because she said she was going to point to the bathroom" she says and I roll my eyes

"Liar" I say tucking my hair behind my ear. I can't even be serious with her laughing like that

"Come on, how can I be lying if you were even here when she said it" she says

"She said 'look, I'm just going to walk towards the bathroom 'Kay?' " She mimics bursting into another fit of laughter and I shake my head at her

"You're crazy" I say and put a fry in my mouth

"And why would I even stare at her ass when I can just stare at your ass?" She asks and my lips part open


"What?" She asks "I'm just being honest. I mean I'd rather stare at your ass than that of anyone else" she says

"Lovely, you pervert" I say with a laugh

"Only for you" she says wriggling her brows and I burst into laughter

"Oh my God...shut up" I say and she joins me in laughing

Her tongue slides into my mouth and I let out a moan as her hands grope my ass gently.

She bites softly on my bottom lip, swiping her tongue across it as though to sooth it and I let out a moan, pressing my lips against hers again

We pull away to catch our breaths and a smile frames my face when she pushes my hair behind my ear, trailing her finger gently down my face

"I only see this in movies" I say and she raises a brow


"Making out in the car" I say with a laugh, pushing some of my hair behind my ear again

I was currently straddling her and I don't remember what even led to it. We were talking and this led to that

"Its funny cause we've been parked outside my house for almost 30 minutes" I say

"I think its cause I'm addicted to you" she says with a laugh

"Good. You can't look at other people" I say "you can only make out with me in a car"

"So its okay if I make out with other people as long as its not in a car?" She asks and I hit her arm

"Its not okay. You can only do all those with me" I exclaim

"Yes ma'am" she teases and I just laugh, pushing her hair behind her ear so I can see her face more clearly

"Tomorrow. Let's have dinner tomorrow" she says and I raise a brow

"I'll take you out tomorrow" she says again and a smile frames my face

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