...knew it

Indeed you did Zhu Li.

I sweat drop and look at the ground which is a few feet away from me due to them holding me above their heads, "So is anyone going to let me down or..."

I'm lowered to the ground and I take in the chaos that we are and let out a chuckle, "I missed this."

"I didn't!" Kyle complains as he finds his way to my left side.

"Rei!" My dad calls me from all the way down the hall.

"Seems like his majesty is calling him." My black haired friend deadpans.

""We can tell."" Leo and Kyle say at the same time, sweat dropping.

"Rei come over! I've put something together for you!"

I get lightly pushed forward and I jog down the long and wide hall, passing by the openings in the wall to the gardens, the light tickling me with warmth as I make my way down the hall. I finally reach my father at the end of it.

"Follow me~" My father winks at me and I sweat drop at him.

He is planning something...

Definitely planning something.

Any thoughts?

No, your father is very spontaneous...

I sigh and follow after him, we take a left and go up the stairs to the supply room. The door opens automatically for us and we walk in. "So... what is this all about?"

My father chuckles and throws his head back, "Probably the best thing a father can ever do for their dearest son!"

Oh no, he is probably planning something stupid again....

You seem to be a veteran at detecting things like this.

It's because I am.

"I'm your only son."

"But you are still my favorite!" he counters and swings me around in a hug, "-and so I'm sending you on an adventure!" He passes me a circular slab the size of my palm and then passes me a space storage bag.

"...What adventure?" I give him a suspicious look.

"Well, during the time I was watching over the record of what you have done, I realized that it would positively impact you if I sent you to another realm. So, I developed this devise-" He points at the slab, "-as a method of communication and a tracker so I can know where you are and abort the mission if you come across something that is too much for you to handle-"

"-And so! Know that daddy loves you! Have fun my son! Everything you need is in the bag!"

"Wait. What!? But I just got back-" The feeling of a light pressure on my forehead is all I get as a warning before I am falling back, but as expected, the ground is not there to catch my fall. I see the rim of the realm portal device, the surroundings is mostly silent besides the sound of fabric shifting and feet pattering on the ground.

"Damnit!! Not again! Rei!"

"Rei~ Don't leave me behind this time~"

"Why the hell did you jump too?!"

"Have fun guys!!" The last was from my father, causing a tic mark to grow on the side of my head.

"Have fun doing the paper work yourself jerk!!" I shout up at him as I see his face drain of color.
Hmf! Should have thought of that before hand!

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