10 - jealous of him? pffft

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Clementine raises an eyebrow "So? He was offering to help me with Spanish homework." Louis furrows his eyebrows, his chocolate brown eyes stare into hers "I could help you"

"Gabe's fluent in spanish, you sure? I can jus—"

"No. If you didn't know, I'm bilingual" Louis said with a wink, Clementine rolls her eyes

"Okay, if you say so" They walk into math class and they arrive in time,

Clementine finds a chair next to Violet and Louis, and brings out her sketchbook and starts sketching out of boredom


The statement was true, Louis was indeed a bilingual. He just refused to give Clem out easily, His gaze slowly melts onto the brunette who was scribbling drawings. She was skilled, and her drawings were cute

Louis was friends with Gabe, yes. But he was fully aware of Gabe's little crush on Clemmy Clou. He was going to help Clementine later after school, in free period.

They were allowed to leave, as class was dismissed. Clementine realises how time goes fast when she doodles in class, lucky for the girl, Clementine never gets caught, and Louis never knows why

Louis walks side to side with Clementine. Free period is basically recess, except you can leave the school and go to places near by like the Ice cream parlour and the park.

Louis guides Clementine out of the school "Wanna work on the Spanish homework at the park?" Clementine was just extra hungry for no reason. Clementine's soft gaze went on the ice cream parlour, which was surrounded with kids from their school. Louis realises what the girl means and smiles "But you want ice cream first?" Clementine smiles,

"I'm paying this time, Louis."

"No, I still have to make it up to you for spilling ice cream that one time."

"No you don't" Clementine rolls her eyes. Louis smirks at her stubbornness "Whatever you say, Clemmy"

Clem grins at the nickname, but goes away to get some ice cream. She gets the same thing from last time, but in a little waffle cup. Louis gets vanilla ice cream, and a banana split, Rest in peace, Clementine's wallet

The two walk to the park and find a place to sit down, a cute bench with a little picnic table. Clementine sits down and brings her Spanish notebook

"I only spanish swears, don't blame me. Gabe's step mom taught me a couple of things." Louis smirks, He could say he's a good spanish speaker. But not really on a native level, like Gabe

"You just have to translate this sentence in english, and vice versa." Louis laughs "Did you not learn from Duolingo?"

"Like the evil bird?"

"Yes, the evil bird."

Clementine snickers "AJ is really afraid of that bird, So to be considerate, I don't use it." Louis smiles, Clementine was the definition of a good human being, and not only that; she's a great older figure in a way.

Louis takes a scoop of ice cream and shoves it gently into Clementine's mouth, Clementine takes the spoon out and eats the ice cream "What was that about"

"I don't know, It's to make up from the time I spilled ice cream onto you"

"That's silly."

They carry on and finish the homework. Louis feeding her with ice cream as she answered the simple spanish homework, It was a lot fun than being with Gabe


Clementine finished the homework, and She was pretty sure Louis did great, They finished the ice cream and eat the cone "Hey Louis" Clementine blinks slowly, waiting for his response


Clementine pulls Louis closer and whispers "What are we exactly?"

Louis smiles "Really great friends." Louis inches closer to Clementine and pecks her on the cheek. Clementine's tan skin burned with a red passion "Is that what friends do?"

Louis sighs "I can't figure out Sophie sometimes, she's really mean and all. And I know she purposely left you with those bastards." Louis crosses his arms "I would break up but I'm kind of worried what she'll do and all"

"Don't you have freedom?" Clementine asked Louis quietly. She has no right to interfere into their relationship, They literally just met a few weeks ago. Yet she feels like she's prying into their relationship dangerously

"No, not really." Louis sighs, "I like you Clem"

Clementine gives a small smile, but immediately frowns "What would your girlfriend say about that?"

Louis sighs once more "I like you Clem, but let that be a secret" Louis winks mischievously. Clementine blinks

"Alright. But if she kills me, you're paying for my funeral" Clementine laughs, jokingly

"She won't"

writes block sucks, i'm sorry for this disgusting chapter :((


headcanon of the day : if clementine and louis were on a plane, louis would definitely call window seat. no question

break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored as f*ckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang