Vera After

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"I want to hate her." Jessica said to me when I came back to the house. I tried to not take it too personally.

I shrugged and told her "Well, sure. You would have gotten nothing out of that relationship. She was and I assume is mostly into boy types."

"I utterly and unreservedly hate her." Helen said. That is Helen being Helen to some degree, but I found it odd she hated her. There is some real venom in her words.

I looked at Rachel for the tie vote, who shrugged "She seemed like she might be interesting in bed. Sexy, in an earthy kind of way. No underwear. Nice body. Her scent wafted all the way up to us too. She was ready for that 'take without asking' scenario."

I touched the end of my nose, and pointed at Rachel, awarding her the points. Then to all three "That's usually the way she affects people. No consensus but also not much in-between. Hate her or want to have sex with her." I said.

Helen went low. "We know which one you picked."

If Vera were at all interested in women, which in my experience she had been only in group situations, and only to stay in the spirit of the moment, Helen would have been more than happy to haul her off and have her wanton way with her.

"Oh yes. Repeatedly, for years. Even without the rougher approach she apparently wanted we had fun. Until I met Jessica, and later, you, I thought I knew what great sex is. Still, all in all, she's in the top three." I shot back at Helen

There are enough twists and turns in that statement that Helen had no immediate comeback. I just told her she is in the top two if nothing else, and with Rachel standing right there, I doubted we are going to dive into that.

Helen temporarily unable to fight back while she parsed my words looking for hidden land mines, I continued "I need to call Larry. I wonder if the club can reach him. I don't want to go through Arnold again."

Sitting at the kitchen table, I looked up the number for 'The 'Firehouse' and called it, putting it on speaker. The two council members and Jessica joined me to listen.

"Firehouse" came a rich alto woman's voice.

"This is Adrian Sagan. You might remember me from last night. I hope the damage isn't too bad. I'm looking for Larry. Is he available?"

"Yes, I do remember you. You broke my current man's nose." She did not sound as mad as her words would have led one to think she might be.

"Nothing personal." I replied sincerely as I could manage "I broke a lot of noses. And arms. And ribs. I did not set the rules. I only honored them. No one was killed." I pointed out.

"I know. I got to patch up the boys for hours. Dumb shits, fighting Vampires of all things. Idiots. Let me see if Larry is in." She replied, and her tone of voice landed somewhere between sexy and neutral. Like she has not made up her mind exactly what she thinks of me yet. Interesting that she felt the male of her kind dumb asses.

"Interesting tone of voice." Rachel commented, "I cannot tell if she wishes you harm, cares not a wit, or wants you in her bed."

"Rather all of the above, I think. Sirens must be of a type." Helen sounded like she is rethinking Siren women.

"Adrian is quite popular these days." Jessica added, with an edge. "The Siren that just left came here planning on some sexual pillage of her own."

A new thing, to hear Jessica being at all possessive. It seems I can be with Helen, but not with Siren women. My brain hurts.

I pointed out "Which didn't happen: No pillage. In my defense, the kiss wasn't really my idea either, but it made it easy to figure out for sure she is a Siren."

Siren Song (Hypernaturals 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora