chapter 34

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Your pov
I woke up and started running around to get ready, when we got ready we headed off at the way to where we were going someone gave me a newspaper, I started reading and saw that the top news are what we found out about the world

"News spread quickly that the sunlight" I said and gave the newspaper to someone else

"We're here" hange said

"You all stay here while we talk with some people" Levi said and they left

"My gosh these past few days are stressful as fuck" I said

"I don't blame you, you and Eren where running from getting kidnapped again by the same people" jean said

"Yeah, those bitchies are thinking that they can get us? They are hella wrong" I said as I got a little angry

"Hey guys" we heard someone greet us from behind us, we turned around and we saw Hitch

"Hey, Hitch" I said trying not to break down because Marlowe died

"Hitch.... Marlowe along with the rest of the survey corps died while trying to take down the beast Titan" floche said out of nowhere and she was wide eyed

"Well, I better get going" she said and left

"Floche why the hell would you say that?" I asked

"Why isn't it true? We let all this soldiers die and we saved Armin instead of saving the commander and we needed him" he said and I looked at Armin and he looked down sad

"Why you little!!" I said and grabbed the collar of his shirt

"Who gave you permission to talk like that about my friend?!!" I yelled in his face

"(Y/n) wait... Floche is right, we should of had saved the commander instead of me" he said as he lowered his head more, then while I scolded floche Eren spoke to Armin

"Make Armin feel guilty again one more time and I'll fucking make sure you are dead meat!!!!" I yelled at him and pushed him away

"Oi, line up everyone and don't make a scene here, if you want to fight, fight when we'll get back" he said and told us to follow him

"We're not done floche!!" I growled at him and glared at him

We got inside and sat in one knee, Historia first gave hange a medal (or she made her the commander I don't fucking know) and hange kissed her hand, she got to Levi and he kissed her hand, then she came up to me and I kissed her hand, she walked over to Eren and gave him his medal and he kissed her hand but he stopped like he saw something

"Eren?" Historia asked and he looked down terrified

Time skip back at the headquarters

I was walking in the messhall when floche bumbed into me

"Oops didn't saw you, well who would of seen you like, who would even notice you anyways" he said and laughed

"You little shit take it back or I'll shove your head up your fucking asshole!!!" I yelled at him and everyone are looking at us

"Oh yeah? Like I'm scared, what a fourteen year old can do to me?" He asked mockingly

"Oh, you don't want to see what I'm capable of doing" I said as I sent him a death glare

"What? Are you going to run to your brother and your friends and cry on his shoulder and say that I'm bullying you?" He asked

"Hange?" I asked

"Yes, sweetpie?" She asked with a smirk

"Can you remind me what happened when trost fell? You know what I did to jean?" I asked and she smiled

"Ohh, haha, that was the most hilarious thing, well, (y/n) back at trost fall she was like Levi, no emotions and badass, and jean called her emotionless and she kicked him hard and he flew into a bookcase" she said as she laughed

"Only that? I can do worse" he said

"Hange? Why don't you tell him what I did to Levi?" I asked and she laughed harder

"When Eren plagued the wall Levi saved them and he asked for explaination and one thing led to another and he called Eren stupid and as he was leaving she kicked him in the air and span into the air kicked him again and sent him eleven meters away and he hit a wall" she said and laughed

"Like I believe you" he said and he turned around, I was pissed a run up to him kicked his leg and span in the air and kicked his side sending him on the wall

"Now you believe me?" I asked with a dark look on my face and he only shivered in fear

"That is something that I'll remember forever" jean said as he laughed and I joined in

"You are crazy!!" He yelled, I looked at him and smiled

"Maybe I am" I said and sat down on my table

1 year later

We finally made it we are outside the wall Maria, we are going to see the ocean

As we were riding on our horses we saw a Titan, had dragged it's way little by little to the wall, we got off our horses and surrounded it, Eren walked up to it and placed his arm on its head

"Let's go" hange said and we left

We rode until we saw a huge wall, what is behind that wall? I thought to myself, we rode all the way around the wall and we saw.... Is that the ocean?

"We made it" I mumbled to myself, we rode down and left our horses somewhere, Everyone got their boots off and went inside the water

I got my boots off and started heading into the water only to be stopped

"Wait! What if it is poisoned?" Levi asked

"Silly, you promised that you'll get inside now get your boots off and get your feet in the water and it's not poisoned it's salt water" I said and he got his boots off, we walked into the water and he flinched

"It's cold" he said

"You'll get over it" I said and looked inside the water and saw a seashell

"Look, isn't it beautiful?" I asked as I picked it up and showed it at him

"Yeah it is" he said it was a rainbow seashell

"I'll keep it, look there are more!!" I said as I picked them up

"I like it here" I said and splashed him

"Hey, don't splash me, get this!!" He said as he kicked the water splashing me

"No!! Get this!!" I said and at the end we were both soaked in water

"Now I wanna go beyond the ocean and defeat our enemies" I said and smiled at him

"We'll go together and defeat them" he said as he took my hand

This isn't over yet... I'm waiting for season four that it'll come out 2020 first weeks of October!!! IT'S GOING TO BE THE FINAL SEASON!!! When I found out about that I got depressed for some reason, like I started watching attack on Titan since 2017 and I fell in love with that show, the characters and the way they act is so like me, I relate, I also cried when Levi got hurt and I don't know if he died or not like.... Isayama tell us, anyways see yah back at 2020 Early October, byeeee!!!

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