chapter 9

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Your pov
We watched as the Titan was killing the others and we decided to make a plan to get supplies from downstairs, we needed a plan because Titans broke in, first we said that some of us will be on the elevator with some shotguns that we had and seven of us will be hidden so when the others shots the Titans at their eyes we where going to slice their necks, so the seven of us we got down and got on positions and waited for them, as the Titans got closer they started firing bullets everywhere and then it was our chance to go, we went and sliced their necks but before we succeed Connie missed one Titan and it was ready to eat him, I run up to the Titan and sliced its neck

"Thank you (y/n)" he said as he hugged me

"Uh, yeah no problem" I said and patted his back akwardlly

"Ok load up everyone we have to go" I said as we started loading up

We got ready and we left as we were going by one rooftop to another we saw that the Titan that helped us it was being eaten

"The Titan it's being eaten?" I asked

"Guys look there the Titan that ate Thomas is coming towards us" Armin said

As he said that the Titan came to his senses and went up the blonde Titan without any arms, he grabbed it by the neck and he was fighting other Titans like that, at the point that no Titan was at sight, the Titan fell down and steam came out of his neck

"Is that a person right there?" I said and run to the Titan, as I got there the person started moving, he was familiar, when I saw him I was shocked and I immediately hugged him, it was my brother Eren, I started crying

"(Y/n) what happened?" Armin asked

"It's Eren, it was him all along" I said and hugged him tighter I pulled him out and we got to the walls

"I didn't lose him, I'm not alone anymore" I cried out of happiness

"Eren you can wake up now" I said and looked at him

"Eren?" I asked

"Why isn't he waking up?" I asked them

"Check his heartbeat" Mikasa said

I checked and his heart was beating fine

"He probably is recovering" I said and pulled him on my lap and hugged him more

"She's not going to leave him" Reiner said

"Of course I'm not he's everything I have and I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe, even die for him" I said

"Ok?" He said and looked at the city

"Wow I can't believe that he did all of that" jean said

"It might sound crazy but he might be our hope" I said

"You both are powerful, that means you both are our hope" Mikasa said

humanity's hope// Levi x eren's sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora