chapter 11

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Your pov
Wow I didn't expect something like that

"As stupid as it sounds humanity needs both of you guys" he said

"So what do we need to do?"  I asked

"Everyone will go at trost, Eren will transform into a Titan and he will go to a big bolder that we found to close the gate, as he'll be having the bolder Armin, Mikasa and (y/n) will have your back, after you'll place the bolder on the hole everyone will kill the leftover Titans, have I made myself clear?" Pixis asked

"Yes, sir" we said as we saluted

"Ok what are we waiting for go!!" He said to everyone that was there

We left and soon we went near the bolder

"Eren, be careful ok?" I said

"I will" he said and gave me a quick hug

"I love you" I said again

"Me too" he said as he transformed into a Titan

As I looked at him something was off with his eyes they where full green and they didn't had any orbs, he turned his head and looked at me and Mikasa

"Mikasa, watch out!!" I said and pushed her out of the way before Eren smashed her

"How did you know he will attack?" She asked

"I looked into his eyes they weren't the same" I said

"Mission failed everyone go back" Rico said

"No mission failed, we still have a chance, Armin try to wake Eren up Connie, Sasha and jean you stay here until Eren comes to his senses everyone else go and kill some Titans" I said

"As far as I remember I'm the captain here" the captain said

"Well, you're not doing anything to look like a captain" I said and left

"She reminds me a lot like captain Levi" I heard him say but I ignored it

Titans where coming inside the walls Everytime they wouldn't stop coming, as I landed on a rooftop I heard very loud footsteps I looked back and saw it was Eren

"Everyone, protect Eren" I said and went to kill some Titans

As the last Titan was killed Eren was one step closer to put the bolder in the hole, after he screamed and covered the hole with the giant rock

"Mission didn't failed, humanity fought against Titans for once and won" Rico said

Eren fell on the floor and smoke came out of his neck, Armin went to take him but he couldn't move him, I run up to them and sat next to Armin

"What happened why can't you take him out?" I asked

"I don't know" he said as he pulled him

"That's pointless" I said as I cut the muscles that was connected with his arms

As i cut it Armin and Eren fell down, I looked behind me and saw that Titans where about to eat them but someone killed them, I got next to Armin

"Mikasa?" I asked wondering if it was Mikasa but as soon as she landed besides me that thought went away, and another thought came into my mind who was he?

The man turned around and he was the one that I called a midget, I looked around and saw some cadets were still here waiting for Eren

"Hey, kiddos I think this is the part where you explain to me what happened" he said while standing on top of the Titan

humanity's hope// Levi x eren's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now