3. Confession

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"It's was all cause..... " I turned away from him.
" You had confessed to me that day.. "

"What.. What did it do?" He asked.

"They... Investigated about my identity and found out that I don't belong here. Those fan girls of yours destroyed everything that I had created to survive in this realm. They made my reputation and every status......... I don't even wanna remember... " Tears started falling as I was talking.

"Those.. What about Pily? She was your------"

" Don't even get me started on that.... I don't wanna hear her name ......" I said. "She was a fake friend ready to stab me from the beginning. She was a psycho in love with... You..."

"What.. Wow.. But, why didn't you come to me for help."

"Cause I hate you. You got your answers now let me go."
"But Why??" He asked.

"Quit it, already. I have to take my medicine or else it will take control again." I replied.
He sighed and said "Did you forgot that my family makes these medicine you love so much~"
"I don't love them.. So, no use trying to blackmail me with all that."

"Booo, Your no fun. Your here in the human realm again, cause I was gonna fix your meds." He said while holding my regular meds.

"The hell... Your joking." I scoffed

"As if. Come on! Cicil, why don't you ever take me seriously?" He says with his super affective puppy eyes.

"Whatever", I roll my eyes. " I just know that you brought me here,cause I was unconscious and since I'm here anyway, I might as well take my meds."

"Wow, So calculated." He turns away and heads to a room. "This meds can't help you anymore, so you gotta get examined again"

"Huhh!? And who's gonna do it? You?" I laugh.

He quickly pushes me to the corner. I was kinda surprised cause I forgot what his soul was or rather... what he was..

"Cicil, You need to take me more seriously." He says as his face gets more and more close. "I have fully completed every lessons I needed and now it's about experience." He smirks. "And your my first test subject for experience"

His eyes starts to turn red. 'Oh, shit.. He's losing control..'
"Oh, sweetie, thanks for worrying but I don't lose control anymore." He whispers in my ear.

He just continues to amuse me.. I groan. Stopping myself from thinking anything.
"Didn't you promise, you wouldn't read my mind again?" I ask.

"Sweetie, I kept my promise for 2 years now. If you don't want to me read your mind then start taking me seriously" He said coldly as he caressed my hair.

"Ah, I...." My heart starts to hurt as I was trying to speak. I start to feel dizzy and the next I knew, I was having another panic attack....

"Cicil...?? ..... Cam!?..." He shouts. Even at a time like this I find him annoying.

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[ 3rd Person's POV ]

"Cicil...??... Cam!!?.. Hey!" Kale shouts as his eyes turn back to it's eyes began to change Blue, as it was before.

As Cicil starts to lose her consciousness. She thinks 'Even at a time like this I find him annoying, hah....idiot..'

Kale starts to blame himself for her sudden panic attack. Even tho, He's stressed he still manages to stay calm and be positive. Even tho, all he would think at that moment was all negative possibilities.

"Your gonna be alright, just alright.. It's nothing serious.." He kept repeating it to himself as he carried Cicil to the medical room of his house. His mouth kept on mumbling positive things while his mind gave up positivity and was consumed with negativity. "Shit.. I gotta stay calm." He said to himself furiously.

Little did he know, the way he acted and behaved would leave any witness at that scene believe he was as calm as the wind. While, his mind and inside was exploding through a mixed of emotions, scared and doubtful of the unknown. It would be hard to notice. Even he himself was blind about it.

In the medical room, there was an endless supplies and backup supplies containing various types of plants, seeds, roots, poisons, chemicals etc. On the wall there were endless notes and formulas. Two eye-catching pictures, one was containing a normal human body systems and organs information as clearly written in a book. Second was containing a curse holder's body systems and organs information even unknown to themselves.

All this would be hard to read for any normal humans or cursed souls. Only a specific SOUL can read such small words written in a mind blowing and mesmerising style. Tho, it's a same the most populated people can't know about it. That's why all this precious information was not hidden but written wide open.

At the corner of the room there were a pile of books. Which contained notes about new experiment results, new formulas/equations and failures. Beside was the table where they worked. The middle of the room was occupied with some beds for patients. A nice free space to walk freely. And the rest of the cornered place was occupied by shelf's filled with supplies with mysterious codes written on it, so that no one exept the owner can understand it.

Who would even think of just letting their precious things and information lay out in the open. That's what ensures those non-protected important notes safety. For the outside people all this just seem like rubbish and non important anyway.

Kale is calm and restless both at the same time as he begins to form some equations and formula to start making Cicil's medicine. As he's done gathering the samples from Cicil's body, needed to start the experiment. He keeps on searching through the previous notes to find some clues if there was any. Not even a second is wasted as time goes on. It would be hard to go on non-stop for anyone including humans and cursed souls. But for Kale, it was just a piece of cake.

Because Kale was neither a human soul nor a cursed soul. He was the Soul himself. The pure ones. These Souls are the beast itself, with no taint of change. That's what makes them the pure one, all too different yet still the same.

They are not divided cause they are only known to the cursed ones but also named to live as normal ones.

They. Are. The. Soul. It. Self.
The. Pure. Ones.
Known. As. Vampires.

Cause of their pure soul, the power they contain are what, resembles something like a Vampire.
They don't need blood to survive. Sucking blood is only the way for them to form a contract with a soul, once in a lifetime with only one soul.

Since, The cursed one contains two souls. Pure ones are forbidden to form a contract with them.. unless that pure one contains two souls in himself. So, usually a normal soul (humans) can make contracts with the pure ones.
Tho, (humans) these normal ones are kept in the dark about it. Since no normal ones knows about it, non contract can be done.

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