ONE | Strangers | ONE

249 29 7

For which the day the Sovereign comes, would be the day all hell unleash


Alyra Kassia Ambrose


The cold air of the country side matched with the looming clouds that threatened to rain. Thick puffs of dark greys blocked the dawn, leaving a blue hue amongst the trees that left the forest thriving with an eerie shade.

It was far from the burning rays of our old home. Miles away from the bustling city noise and towering skyscrapers of San Francisco- the entire opposite of the endless miles of forest that stretched beyond the mountain valleys. I could smell the strong scent of pines behind the covers of my mouth mask. It did nothing to block the bombarding scent that came from the forest ground. Stretching as far as a mile radius, I could still pick up the trail of a dying deer. Its blood trailing behind the tracks of a mountain lion.

Having enough of the assault on my senses. I closed the last inch-wide opening of the window, pulling me back into the tense silence of the SUV. I turned my attention towards the figure at the front. The 5'6 female social worker that drove had been silent throughout the drive. Her hands clutched the wheels until her knuckles turned white. The tension in her eyes failed to hide the layer of pity and even a hint of horror in them.

Noticing my stare, she gazes over the mirror and looked directly at me. Lasting only a mere second before she looks away. Her heart jumped and racing, fingers began to fidget as I sensed the fear brewing in her chest.

She fakes a cough, puts up a fake smile and looks at my little sister in the mirror. Her eyes briefly catching mine that triggered a skip in her heart. I wasn't sure whether or not she could see behind my tinted sunglasses for such a reaction.

"We're just a few hours away, sweety. I'm sure you'll love Darthill Creak, it's definitely a lot more peaceful than San Francisco." I flipped my gaze over to my little sister. Dazed, she continues to stare out the window. Lost in her own world, her hands continued to fidget unconsciously. The fast paced beating of her heart tells me she was afraid, nervous as we ventured deeper into a town hardly anyone knew existed.

I wanted to reach out. I wanted to hug her, hold her hand, but as I gazed at her hand and my own. I knew I couldn't do it. Despite the clean, pristine porcelain skin that covered my hands. My mind couldn't stir away from the images of the same hands covered in warm blood merely days prior to this trip.

Red and blue lights danced along the blurred filter of my eyes. Fading in and out of focus with eyes laid upon the curtains. Watching the red and blue lights behind the once silver curtains were now stained in a deep shade of blood.

My eyes falls upon my hands stretched above my head. My once caucasian skin had become a porcelain tone, making the blood red stains stand out against its pale shade. A puddle of blood rests on the concave of my palm. My nails, though strangely longer than usual, were stuffed with dried and fresh blood.

My mind hazes, drifting in and out of consciousness. The sound of sirens, shouts, and someone crying registers in my senses. When my eyes opened once more, everything became pristine.

I could see every pore along my skin, every detailed cuticle of every strand of hair that fell upon my face. I could see each strand of the carpet, each fiber on the clothes that laid across the room. More so, I could see that the shredded hand ripped apart from its body- was wearing my mother's wedding ring.

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