He was still angry, yes, though there was something else in his blazing eyes, something she couldn't quite identify. It wasn't jealousy, no...

"So stop fucking fussing over me all the time and insisting on saving me because I can take care of myself! I don't need you to protect me all the time!"


"Even when I got swallowed, I fucking made it back and-"

And the Mikasa just couldn't contain herself any longer.

The noise of the slap echoed in the empty room, and even Mikasa's hand stung from it.

She had punched him yes, when they had been kids. But that had been years ago, when they had always gotten into little scuffles.

Even then, this was the first time she'd slapped him.

Eren was gaping at her, green eyes wide, his right cheek reddening from the blow.

"No, Eren," she said softly, "You do. Not because you're weak, but because you're too impulsive. Look what happened the one time I wasn't with you. The one time I wasn't there to protect you."

He seemed too shocked to retaliate, still staring at her, a hand coming up to his cheek.

"Armin told me - he told me what you did - you -"

And then she couldn't bear to look at him anymore, as her eyes filled with tears at the memory, the terrible few moments when she thought she'd lost him forever. She turned away, the tears now streaming down her cheeks. She quickly rubbed them away with her fist.

She wouldn't let him see her cry. She had to be strong, for him. Even if he didn't want it, even if he treated her like an absolute jerk, she still had to.

Suddenly, Mikasa felt an iron grip on her arm, and Eren yanked her towards him, none too gently. He was standing up, out of his bed, and seemed to have pulled his arm lose of the tube it had been attached to.

But for once, Mikasa found she couldn't say anything, and just stared at the ground, willing her tears to go away.

His gripped her chin with his fingers, forcing her to meet his eyes. His thumb was rough against her skin, and his eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at her.

"You're impossible, you know that," Eren muttered, shaking his head.

"M-me?" Mikasa choked out, "You're the one who - who almost died -"

And then more tears came out and Mikasa found herself sobbing in front of Eren like a little girl.

"You're - you're crying," Eren sounded genuinely surprised.

"What do you expect?!" Mikasa rubbed at her eyes, "You're such an idiot and I - I thought - I really thought -"

She broke down again, unable to voice the terrible thought.

"Oh god," Eren groaned, "Mikasa... Mikasa don't cry, please... you can yell at me and lecture me and fuss over me all you want, just please don't cry."

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