Something new???

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K so i feel bad for not posting in literal months so im gonna do a new thing for this chapter and maybe future ones??? Basically instead of doing a super long story im just gonna do a few little short scences that arent really connected. Idk it might happen again so i hope youre okay with it but if yall absolutely hate it let me know.

The alarm clock next to me reads 3:17 am. Luckily, it's Friday night/Saturday morning so neither ben nor i has to work, so i feel slightly less terrible for my annoyance to him about to happen. I turn over on the queen sized matress, facing my partner who is laying on his stomach, head turned at an angle showing his floppy hair and his soft stubble growing out. I lightly tap a finger on his back, attempting to get his attention. A low growl leaves him before he turns his body away from me. He is no match for my urge to cuddle. I tap again on his back, hoping for some kind of response. He ultimately rolls himself over, his sleepy eyes trying to lift but failing.
"Huh?" He lets out in a quiet, raspy voice.
I can feel the mental eyeroll hes giving me as his body positions itself, arms open for my body to tuck into. I turn on my side and crawl into fetal position, my back pressed against his chest. My hair melts onto his shoulders, a he pulls me in tighter as we both drift back to our slumbers. He was warm, and soft. He was perfect, and so was the rest of our nights sleep.

Im sorry. Bro literally just imagine that last one. Can yall not see sleepy ben cuddling with you cksjcjekfjwkcjjdkfkejfofje i want him to marry me but sad i am not good jewish gorl :(

[i should probably mention im writing this at 4 am and i have a mix of nyquil and gatorade rushing through my whole body]

2 (for real this time)-

In the studio, weve just recieved new dance partners as result of casting for An American In Paris. My old parner do i put this lightly....incompetent, so i wasnt too upset about the switch. As the instructor called out pairings, i matched my eyes to those in the room, hoping for some kind of chemistry in my partnering.
She was down to the last 2 pairs, myself still not having a partner and the pressure building up. Id get stuck with either the new guy or the literal dumbest person on the planet.
"Y/l/n and Fankhauser"
Good. I got the new guy.
I slid to my new corner in the room as Fankhauser followed me.
"Hey, im y/n. How long have you been dancing?"
"Probably.... 20 something years? Pretty much my whole life. What about you?"
"Wow, um yeah ive been dancing maybe 15, 16 years or so? Started in middle school."

The instructor begannto explain the steps for each half of the pairings, all of us getting into position. I faced the mirrored wall and pulled myself into 5th position as Bens hands grabbed a hold of my waist.

"Is this okay? Or would you like me to move them somewhere else?" He asks concerned.
"Theyre okay, youre doing as instructed, you can calm down a bit"
"Right, right."

As the practice ran longer, Ben and i got more comfortable with one another and fell into moves like we'd been partners through our entire careers.
I shifted back into 5th position to do yet another go around of the full dance, ben places his hands tightly on my waist, but this time he has his thumbs seperated from his other digits. This time his thumb was relaxed on my lower back, sending chills up my spine from the sensation. He must have sensed my tenseness as he smirked in the mirror before pulling his thumb back up.
"Sorry about that." He slightly laughed before pulling back on a poker face.
I was interrupted by a quick spin to face him, as he does the dip. It feels different than the last run we did, i felt breathless and couldn't figure out why im just now falling for him.
"I liked it."
"Liked what?"
So badly my insides screamed "everything", but my mouth just let out a nervous "the dip. It was really good the time. Not too low this time."
He pulled me back up and we finished the rest of the dance, my heart racing, yet not from the excessive dancing ive done today.
We finished up the set and were packing our bags when ben ran back up to me.
"Hey, y/n, um here" he says, handing me a slip of paper. "Maybe we could practice more outside of the studio?"
"Id like that a lot" i smiled, hoping the butterflies fluttering at 90 miles an hour in my stomach weren't visible from the outside.

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