I dont have a title {im sorry i know}

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Authors warning: there may be triggering events for some people. This chapter goes on to talk about abusive relationships. Please, if this bothers you, do not read. I have been fortunate enough to not have been in a manipulative or abusive relationship, so for those that have I apologize if i have stereotyped it, down played it, or offended you in some way. If the events in this chapter seem familiar to a relationship that you are currently in, please get help. You can call 1-800-799-7233 or TTY 1-800-787-3224 (domestic violence hotline). On a less important note, this chapter is 80% conversation so sorry if it gets boring. Love you all, stay safe. XOXO, Fawna.



"Please. Michael. No stop mic-"I stepped away, each word making his face grow a deeper shade of red.

His big, strong hand came towards me like lightning. My cheek was stinging, my nose burning. I fell to the ground as my knees felt so weak. I felt more pain in my ribs.


His words echoed in my ears, pauses between each syllable to kick me in my side once more. He bent down to meet my face.

"I am in charge. Me, not you" he spits in my face and was out the door. I was too afraid to move, to hurt to move, too tired to move. We had these fights constantly. He hit me almost every night. I couldn't leave him and I couldn't stop him. He kept me from my friends and family. He checked my messages. He tracked my phone. He pulled my hair and raped me when he pleased. He hurt me in too many ways. The pain at this point was too much to bare, and the world around me went dark.

The bright flashing lights and loud noises around me sparked consciousness. Men were lifting me into a truck from an odd bed. Inside a familiar face was waiting.

"Y/N? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

Ben, one of my closest friends before Michael, was next to me. His face was pale, eyes enlarged, his hand holding mine.

"Yeah" I tried to say. The pain was spreading everywhere and was affecting my breathing.

"Oh my god, Y/N. What happened to you? Was it Michael? I swear I'll kill him"

"Ben. Stop" the 2 words took so long to leave my dry mouth. I was getting that same tired feeling again, the small area was once again going dark and sound was drowned out by my own thoughts.


"She'll be fine to leave the hospital. But she shouldn't go back to the site of injury for a while. Is it possible she can stay with you?"

"Yeah, that will be fine"

"Okay. We are just going to inform her emergency contact and-"

"No! Uh. No that's not a good idea."

"Sir its protocol"

"I have reason to believe her emergency contact is also the cause of her injuries. Please don't call him"

"I understand. Sign here.... and here....and then again here. She's all yours."

I listened to the muffled conversation outside of the room, admiring how much Ben was caring. We were so close, always have been since, gosh, middle school? I couldn't believe he had still cared after I dropped him for Michael.

Footsteps drew closer and closer to my bed, what I could only assume to be Ben sitting next to me in the chair. My assumption was proven by the low singing I heard next to me.

"Go and look it up the poor guys head is spinning. Go and look it up the poor guys head is spinning. Go and look it up the-"

"Do you know how to sing anything else?" I interrupted, taking my time to breathe out each word."

"Hey. How ya feeling?" He rushed up to my bedside, staring me in the face.

"I feel great. Wonderful. Fan-freaking-tastic. How do you think I feel"

"Seriously, y/n, you scared me to death"

"I'm fine ben. Hey, how did you even find me?"

"I dunno, intuition I guess. I got this weird feeling during rehearsal and decided I needed to call someone. I called you, you didn't pick up and neither did that rat you call a boyfriend"

"Yeah, that's over."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Anyways, you gotta feeling so you called me, drove over to Micheals at god knows what time of night, and found me in the middle of the floor."

"Yeah pretty much"

"Thanks, Mr. burns" (my nickname for him from high school, I swear he looks just like the Simpsons character)

"Haha, yeah."

He looked nervous, scared even.

"Hey, look at me. I'm okay. I promise. And it's not like I'm gonna crawl back to him. Not again. Stop worrying. Just get me out of here, you can drop me off at a motel or something. Hey, I'm serious. I'm okay Ben."

He started to cry, as always. He was always so sensitive and caring to everyone, one of the main reasons I loved him so much.

And with that, we left the hospital. He did end up taking me to his house, letting me sleep in his bed and he slept on the couch. I tried to bother him as much as I could, one of the ways we showed each other that we were A) fine or B) bored. I couldn't ever thank him enough for getting me out of that hell hole before the damages were worse. So Ben, thank you.

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