The Waitress

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"You were definitely checking her out!" I yelled as we walked in the door. Ben and I had just come back from our anniversary dinner, 2 years. He was 1000% eyeing the waitress, scanning her body, I'm pretty sure I watched him lick his lips at one point.

"Y/N, I was not! The only girl I look at like that is you"

Ben walked closer, trying to pin me up against the wall. I moved swiftly and turned to face him.

"Ben, I watched you! Just admit it, you were checking her out! What was it? Her butt? Boobs? What does she have that I don't?"

I admit, I was overreacting just a smidge, but I dug my grave, now it was time to lie in it.

"Nothing! I promise that I was not checking out the waitress. You're overreacting a little, don't you think? Me looking at someone-"

"So you do admit it! You were looking! That's micro-cheating you know!"

"Micro-what? Y/N, I love you. I have for 2 years. I swear that nothing was going on with that waitress. I mean, look at you! You're perfect! Why would I appraise another girl when I have an amazing one right here?"

"I don't know! I don't know."

I took a couple breaths and thought about it. Maybe it was just my insecurity talking, perhaps it was my anxiety. My brain telling me that Ben can do so much better than me, telling me that my body wasn't what someone like him wanted, I don't know. I took a seat on the sofa, letting myself think a little.

Shockingly, Ben wasn't yelling back at me. He was calm through the entire endeavor. He sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and grabbed the remote. He turned on some show, I wasn't paying attention enough to know what it was.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled. I was upset with myself, the way I reacted.

"It's okay. And for the record- her butt wasn't that great" Ben chuckled. I gave him a friendly punch on the arm and leaned into his chest. The 15-minute fight was over, even though technically I was kind of right. I mean, if he wasn't checking her out how would he know what her butt looked like?

Authors note: Hey everyone! This was another short chapter written by my friend Emma! She is thinking about creating a wattpad, but for now she will have a few chapters in my book :) love all of you and hope you've had a marvelous week/day/ few minutes! Also, what do you guys think: Is checking someone out cheating?

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